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Last active September 5, 2021 16:34
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morse CW keyer using jack
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import jack
import curses
import queue
from math import sin, pi
f = 700 # Hz
#duration = 0.240 # seconds
duration = 0.080 # seconds
latency = 0.020 # seconds
stdscr = curses.initscr()
client = jack.Client("synth-cw")
audioport = client.outports.register("audio_out")
fs = client.samplerate
client.blocksize = int(latency * fs)
q = queue.Queue()
cw_left = 0
silence_left = 0
def process(frames):
global cw_left, silence_left
if cw_left == 0 and silence_left == 0:
item = q.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
if item == '.':
cw_left = int(duration * fs)
silence_left = int(duration * fs)
elif item == '-':
cw_left = int(3 * duration * fs)
silence_left = int(duration * fs)
buf = memoryview(audioport.get_buffer()).cast('f')
i = 0
while cw_left > 0 and i < len(buf):
buf[i] = sin(2*pi*cw_left*f/fs)
cw_left -= 1
i += 1
while silence_left > 0 and i < len(buf):
buf[i] = 0
silence_left -= 1
i += 1
with client:
# comment the following 3 lines if you don't want to autoconnect to system's output
target_ports = client.get_ports(is_physical=True, is_input=True, is_audio=True)
while True:
c = stdscr.getch()
if c == ord('.') or c == ord('-'):
elif c == ord('\n'):
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