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Last active July 19, 2020 10:00
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About Me

About Me

Me Speaking

I'm a 20-yr-old polyglot programmer who's been coding since the age of 7. I believe in free, equitable access to information, and giving back to the community.

Personal site:

What I Do

At this point in my career, I recognize that there are many doors I not yet opened, so I make a point of trying my hand at various topics and areas of interest in computer science, including, but not limited to:

  • 🎯 Dart
    • Angel A polished, production-ready backend framework in Dart (520+ stars).
    • Angel GraphQL - A complete GraphQL server implementation + library for Dart (80+ stars).
  • 🐫 OCaml
    • thisp - Lisp implemented in OCaml.
    • untyped - Untyped lambda calculus interpreter.
  • 💻 C++
  • 🍎 JavaScript
    • arriba - Instant file transfer. Won best Newbie submission at FSU's MakeBuild 2019.

Interesting Projects


Angel Dart page screenshot

Angel is a full-stack Web framework in Dart. It aims to streamline development by providing many common features out-of-the-box in a consistent manner.

Project site:

Github repo:

Stormy Takes Over

Game screenshot

A Pokémon-inspired game, satirizing the current ridiculous drama about president Trump's sex life (news flash - nobody cares!). Despite being merely "for the lulz", this game is actually a complete turn-based battle system implemented using Phaser.

Play it live:

Github repo:

Flutter for Vim

Vim Flutter usage GIF

Vim commands for Flutter, including hot-reload-on-save and more.

Github repo:


For the past couple of years, I have occasionally posted on my blog:


My resume is on Google Docs:


My email is thosakwe AT gmail DOT com.

I am also on Twitter. Note that the vast majority of my posts are not programming-related, so don't follow if that's what you're expecting:

I follow back - just send me a DM and say you found my Github page.

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