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Created May 13, 2022 13:31
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DynamoDB template
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09",
"Description" : "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template DynamoDB_Table: This template demonstrates the creation of a DynamoDB table. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon DynamoDB table. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.",
"Parameters" : {
"HashKeyElementName" : {
"Description" : "HashType PrimaryKey Name",
"Type" : "String",
"AllowedPattern" : "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"MinLength": "1",
"MaxLength": "2048",
"ConstraintDescription" : "must contain only alphanumberic characters"
"HashKeyElementType" : {
"Description" : "HashType PrimaryKey Type",
"Type" : "String",
"Default" : "S",
"AllowedPattern" : "[S|N]",
"MinLength": "1",
"MaxLength": "1",
"ConstraintDescription" : "must be either S or N"
"ReadCapacityUnits" : {
"Description" : "Provisioned read throughput",
"Type" : "Number",
"Default" : "5",
"MinValue": "5",
"MaxValue": "10000",
"ConstraintDescription" : "must be between 5 and 10000"
"WriteCapacityUnits" : {
"Description" : "Provisioned write throughput",
"Type" : "Number",
"Default" : "10",
"MinValue": "5",
"MaxValue": "10000",
"ConstraintDescription" : "must be between 5 and 10000"
"Resources" : {
"myDynamoDBTable" : {
"Type" : "AWS::DynamoDB::Table",
"Properties" : {
"AttributeDefinitions": [ {
"AttributeName" : {"Ref" : "HashKeyElementName"},
"AttributeType" : {"Ref" : "HashKeyElementType"}
} ],
"KeySchema": [
{ "AttributeName": {"Ref" : "HashKeyElementName"}, "KeyType": "HASH" }
"ProvisionedThroughput" : {
"ReadCapacityUnits" : {"Ref" : "ReadCapacityUnits"},
"WriteCapacityUnits" : {"Ref" : "WriteCapacityUnits"}
"Outputs" : {
"TableName" : {
"Value" : {"Ref" : "myDynamoDBTable"},
"Description" : "Table name of the newly created DynamoDB table"
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