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Created May 13, 2022 14:41
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CDK/Cloudformation and moto
def cdk(ssm_mock, s3_mock, sqs_mock):
with open(Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / "resources" / "template.yaml") as f:
template =
parsed = yaml.load(template)
assets_bucket_name = None
lambda_zips = {}
for name, spec in parsed["Resources"].items():
spec["Properties"]["ApiKeyRequired"] = False
spec["Properties"]["StageName"] = "test"
if spec["Type"] == "AWS::Lambda::Function":
assets_bucket_name = assets_bucket_name or spec["Properties"]["Code"]["S3Bucket"]
lambda_zips[name] = spec["Properties"]["Code"]["S3Key"]
fixed_template = yaml.dump(parsed)
# fixing moto param parsing, fails with no variable found
ssm_mock.put_parameter(Name=parsed["Parameters"]["BootstrapVersion"]["Default"], Value="1")
s3_mock.create_bucket(Bucket=assets_bucket_name, CreateBucketConfiguration={"LocationConstraint": "eu-central-1"})
for name, key in lambda_zips.items():
f = BytesIO()
z = zipfile.ZipFile(f, "w")
z.writestr("", 'def lambda_handler(): print("test")')
s3_mock.put_object(Body=f.getvalue(), Bucket=assets_bucket_name, Key=key)
with mock_cloudformation():
import boto3
cf_mock = boto3.client("cloudformation", region_name="eu-central-1")
cf_mock.create_stack(StackName="Test", TemplateBody=fixed_template)
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