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Created August 20, 2018 09:11
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
public delegate void OnStateIsLasting(LastingStateDetector sender, float lastingTime);
public delegate void OnStateEnter(LastingStateDetector sender);
public class LastingStateDetector
public OnStateIsLasting OnStateOKIsLasting;
public OnStateIsLasting OnStateNGIsLasting;
public OnStateEnter OnStateOKEnter;
public OnStateEnter OnStateNGEnter;
public float deltaTime;
public object Data;
public object lastData;
private Func<bool> checkFunc;
private bool isCheckOk = false;
private float checkOkBeginingTime = -1;
private float checkNgBeginingTime = -1;
private float previousTime;
// Use this for initialization
public LastingStateDetector(Func<bool> f)
checkFunc = f;
// This method is expected to be called in MonoBehavior's Update()
public void Update()
if (checkFunc())
if (isCheckOk)
// ok state is lasting...
OnStateOKIsLasting(this, Time.time - checkOkBeginingTime);
// it starts lasting
checkOkBeginingTime = Time.time;
isCheckOk = true;
if (isCheckOk)
checkNgBeginingTime = Time.time;
OnStateNGIsLasting(this, Time.time - checkNgBeginingTime);
isCheckOk = false;
deltaTime = Time.time - previousTime;
previousTime = Time.time;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Sample : MonoBehaviour
private LastingStateDetector mouseIsInsideScreen;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
var screenRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);
mouseIsInsideScreen = new LastingStateDetector(() =>
return screenRect.Contains(Input.mousePosition);
mouseIsInsideScreen.OnStateOKEnter += MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateOKEnter;
mouseIsInsideScreen.OnStateNGEnter += MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateNGEnter;
mouseIsInsideScreen.OnStateOKIsLasting += MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateOKIsLasting;
mouseIsInsideScreen.OnStateNGIsLasting += MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateNGIsLasting;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
void MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateOKEnter(LastingStateDetector sender)
Debug.Log("mouse just entered in a screen.");
void MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateNGEnter(LastingStateDetector sender)
Debug.Log("mouse just left from a screen.");
void MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateOKIsLasting(LastingStateDetector sender, float lastingTime)
Debug.LogFormat("mouse is inside a screen for {0} sec.", lastingTime);
void MouseIsInsideScreen_OnStateNGIsLasting(LastingStateDetector sender, float lastingTime)
Debug.LogFormat("mouse is outside a screen for {0} sec.", lastingTime);
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