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Created October 31, 2019 14:53
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SSH tunnels and jump memo

SSH Tunnel/jump memo for sweet devs :)

SSH tunnels

The basic LocalForward

Goal : let you access to a private port, example a database listening on only on the remote server
SSH -L <choose a localport on your laptop>:<destinationip>:<destinationport> me@myserver
Example with the database:
ssh -L 50000: me@server
or with a remote database
ssh -L 50000: me@server

SSH/config option : LocalForward <localport on your laptop> <destinationip>:<destination port>

The usefull DynamicForward

Goal: have a socks5 proxy on your laptop that let your going out through a remote server
SSH -D <choose a localport on your laptop> me@myserver
Example :
SSH -D 10000 me@myserver
Now I can configure firefox to use a localhost proxy on port 10000 type socks to visit some pages.

SSH/config option : DynamicForward <port number>

The less known RemoteForward

Goal: Share a local service with a server, share a local (or in your network) database with a remote server
SSH -R <local port>:<bindingiponremoteserver>:<remoteport> me@myserver
Example :
SSH -R <5432>:<>:<5433> me@myserver
Let your local postgres database available on the remote server on port 5433
SSH/config option : RemoteForward <localport> <remotelisteningip>:<remoteport>
note: remote listening ip can be

Proxy Jump

If you have to connect via a bastion use ProxyJump option:
Example :
ssh -J me@bastion me@mydestserver
Example with ssh/config option:
ProxyJump <name of the ssh config entrie OR hostname>

Example of ssh config :

Host thebastion
    PubkeyAuthentication yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/legacy/id_rsa
    Port 222

host my-remote-dev-server
    # we only have the ip address of the server
    # use the bastion to connect
    ProxyJump thebastion
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_aws_dev_vm
    # let my firefox and curl access network via this server
    DynamicForward 10000
    # access to a remote database behind my dev server
    LocalForward 20000
    # accessing private API (firewalled port)
    LocalForward 15000
    # Sharing local squid
    RemoteForward 3128
    # Sharing a local database on a custom port
    RemoteForward 5432

Connect to the server & start all theses tunnel via ssh my-remote-dev-server

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