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Last active March 7, 2023 22:16
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  • Save thinkphp/c0d9b4aa350d7db8ed6d28af364a86c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$\int{f(x) g'(x) \ dx} = fg - \int{ g(x) f'(x) \ dx}$
$\int{cos^2x \ dx} = \int{cos \ x \ cos \ x \ dx} = \int{cos \ x \ (sin \ x)' \ dx} = cos \ x \ sin \ x - \int{sin \ x \ (cos \ x)' \ dx} = cos \ x \ sin \ x - \int{sin \ x \ sin \ x \ dx} = cos \ x \ sin \ x - \int{sin^2 \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + \int{sin^2 \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + \int{ (1 - cos^2 \ x) \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + \int{ 1 \ dx} - \int{ cos^2 \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + x - \int{ cos^2 \ x \ dx} => \int \cos ^2x\,dx=\frac{x+\sin x\cos x}{2}+C. $
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