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Created June 18, 2009 11:02
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OSX v10.4.11
Python 2.5
mercurial v1.2.1
git v1.6.3.1
using python repository as of 2009-06-18
- *** totally not scientific ***
- any output to /dev/null
git clone git:// 1:29
hg clone 3:02
space (du -hs)
git 137M
hg 175M
log specific file
git log README 1.68
hg log README 0.65
log latest 10 commits
git log -10 0.02
hg log -l 10 0.52
git status 0.11
hg status 0.27
list branches
git branch 0.02
hg branches 0.43
get changes from remote
git fetch 0.08
hg pull 0.52
git diff 0.04
hg diff 0.26
going back 500 commits
git checkout HEAD~500 1.5
hg checkout -r -501 4.5
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