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toughIQ /
Last active June 4, 2024 07:31
OpenShift ElasticSearch Health Status
echo "Switching to Logging project"
oc project openshift-logging
# fetch one ELA pod to run queries against
es_pod=$(oc get pod --selector=component=elasticsearch --no-headers -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.status.phase=="Running")]}{}{"\n"}{end}' | head -n1)
hermanbanken /
Created November 22, 2020 13:11
Kustomize Vars example

This was initially posted in an kubernetes-sigs/kustomize issue.

We are using Kustomize's vars feature. Initially we didn't understand how to use it for our purpose, but it is a 100% fit. One example is our Ingress resource, which looks like this:

# file: base/ingress.yaml
kind: Ingress
  name: services
tillkahlbrock /
Last active September 22, 2021 12:22 — forked from bmaupin/
Convert OpenShift DeploymentConfig to Kubernetes Deployment
  1. Change apiVersion from:

    - apiVersion: v1

    (or apiVersion:


dwmkerr / k8s-patch-virtualservice.go
Last active October 10, 2022 06:06
Example showing how to patch an Istio VirtualService CRDs Golang
// Example showing how to patch Kubernetes resources.
package main
import (
types ""
aman-tiwari /
Created August 1, 2016 21:37 — forked from bprashanth/
https sticky sessions

Create a backend service that simply serves the pod name, and a frontend haproxy instance that balances based on client cookies.

# This is the backend service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hostname
    # Enable sticky-ness on "SERVERID"
    serviceloadbalancer/lb.cookie-sticky-session: "true"
nextrevision / deleteJenkinsJobs.groovy
Created December 3, 2015 17:30
Groovy script to delete all jenkins jobs that match a regex pattern
import jenkins.model.*
def matchedJobs = Jenkins.instance.items.findAll { job -> =~ /my_regex_here/
matchedJobs.each { job ->
joepie91 /
Last active September 12, 2024 14:30
Don't use VPN services.

Don't use VPN services.

No, seriously, don't. You're probably reading this because you've asked what VPN service to use, and this is the answer.

Note: The content in this post does not apply to using VPN for their intended purpose; that is, as a virtual private (internal) network. It only applies to using it as a glorified proxy, which is what every third-party "VPN provider" does.

  • A Russian translation of this article can be found here, contributed by Timur Demin.
  • A Turkish translation can be found here, contributed by agyild.
  • There's also this article about VPN services, which is honestly better written (and has more cat pictures!) than my article.
tuxfight3r / jenkins-decrypt.groovy
Created September 23, 2015 11:36
Decrypting Jenkins Password
#To Decrypt Jenkins Password from credentials.xml
#go to the jenkins url
#In the console paste the script
patik /
Last active May 30, 2024 07:59
How to squash commits in git

Squashing Git Commits

The easy and flexible way

This method avoids merge conflicts if you have periodically pulled master into your branch. It also gives you the opportunity to squash into more than 1 commit, or to re-arrange your code into completely different commits (e.g. if you ended up working on three different features but the commits were not consecutive).

Note: You cannot use this method if you intend to open a pull request to merge your feature branch. This method requires committing directly to master.

Switch to the master branch and make sure you are up to date:

nerdalert /
Last active September 9, 2024 11:48
Linux NetFilter, IP Tables and Conntrack Diagrams

Linux NetFilter, IP Tables and Conntrack Diagrams


IPTables has the following 4 built-in tables.

1) Filter Table

Filter is default table for iptables. So, if you don’t define you own table, you’ll be using filter table. Iptables’s filter table has the following built-in chains.