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Forked from stuarthalloway/gist:3068749
Created October 16, 2012 01:53
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;; Datomic example code
;; Demonstrates using datalog with Clojure defrecords
(use '[datomic.api :only [q db] :as d])
(defrecord Supplier [number name status city])
(defrecord Part [number name colour weight city])
(defrecord Shipment [supplier part quantity])
;; sample data
(def suppliers
#{(Supplier. "S1" "Smith" 20 "London")
(Supplier. "S2" "Jones" 10 "Paris")
(Supplier. "S3" "Blake" 30 "Paris")})
(def parts
#{(Part. "P1" "Nut" "Red" 12.0 "London")
(Part. "P2" "Bolt" "Green" 17.0 "Paris")
(Part. "P3" "Screw" "Blue" 17.0 "Oslo")})
(def shipments
#{(Shipment. "S1" "P1" 300)
(Shipment. "S2" "P2" 200)
(Shipment. "S2" "P3" 400)})
;; helper fns
(defn tuplify
"Returns a vector of the vals at keys ks in map."
[m ks]
(mapv #(get m %) ks))
(defn maps->rel
"Returns the tuplification by ks of x, a collection
of items that support key lookup"
[x ks]
(mapv #(tuplify % ks) x))
;; working directly with Clojure defrecords
(q '[:find ?name
:where ["Paris" ?name]]
(maps->rel suppliers [:city :name]))
(q '[:find ?name
:in $suppliers $shipments
[$suppliers ?supplier ?name "Paris"]
[$shipments ?supplier]]
(maps->rel suppliers [:number :name :city])
(maps->rel shipments [:supplier]))
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