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Created August 20, 2012 01:37
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#include <stdio.h>
int mul (int a, int b) {
int p = 0;
while (b) {
if ((b&1) == 1)
p += a;
a <<= 1;
b >>= 1;
return p;
int isPrio(unsigned int pacote)
return (pacote>>12)&1;
int getSeq(unsigned int pacote)
return (pacote>>27)&0xf;
unsigned int incrSeq(unsigned int pacote)
return 0;
unsigned int _numberOfbits(unsigned int val)
val &= 0x7fffffff; // seta 0 no bit de paridade
int n = 0;
while (val) {
val &= val - 1;
return n;
unsigned int setParity(unsigned int pacote)
printf("pac:\t%x\tbits\t%d\n", pacote, _numberOfbits(pacote));
if ((_numberOfbits(pacote)&1) == 1) {
// tratar par
return pacote&0x7fffffff; // seta 0
else {
// tratar impar
return pacote|0x80000000; // seta 1
int main()
unsigned int pacote1 = 0x7801E3A2; // 0111 1000 0000 0001 1110 0100 1010 0010
unsigned int pacote2 = 0x0801FBA2; // 0000 1000 0000 0001 1111 1011 1010 0010
unsigned int pacote3 = 0xF000000F; // pacote impar, com bit de paridade 1
// Exercicio 1
printf("%d\n", mul(3,3));
printf("%d\n", mul(3,0));
printf("%d\n\n", mul(4,2));
// Exercicio 2-1
printf("pac1 = %x\n", pacote1);
printf("pac2 = %x\n", pacote2);
printf("pac3 = %x\n\n", pacote3);
printf("prio pac1 = %s\n", isPrio(pacote1) ? "S" : "N");
printf("prio pac2 = %s\n\n", isPrio(pacote2) ? "S" : "N");
// Exercicio 2-2
printf("seq pac1 = %d\n", getSeq(pacote1));
printf("seq pac2 = %d\n\n", getSeq(pacote2));
// Exercicio 2-3
printf("ats pac1 = %d\n", getSeq(pacote1));
printf("dps pac1 = %d\n", getSeq(pacote1));
printf("set pac1 = %x\n", incrSeq(pacote1));
printf("set pac2 = %x\n", incrSeq(pacote2));
printf("ats pac2 = %d\n", getSeq(pacote2));
printf("dps pac2 = %d\n\n", getSeq(pacote2));
// Exercício 2-4
printf("parity pac1 = %x\n", setParity(pacote1));
printf("parity pac2 = %x\n", setParity(pacote2));
printf("parity pac3 = %x\n", setParity(pacote3));
return 0;
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