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Created April 26, 2016 09:10
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Example wrap-string function
# Word wrap function, return word wrapped version of passed string
function wrap-string($str, $length)
if ($str.length -lt $length)
return $str
# Holds the final version of $str with newlines
$strWithNewLines = ""
# current line, never contains more than screen width
$curLine = 0
# Loop over the words and write a line out just short of window size
foreach ($word in $str.Split(" "))
# Lets see if adding a word makes our string longer then window width
if (($curLine + 1 + $word.length) -gt $length)
# With the new word we've gone over width
# append newline before we append new word
$strWithNewLines += "`r`n" + $word
# Reset current line
$curLine = $word.length
# Append word to current line and final str
if ($curLine -gt 0)
$strWithNewLines += " "
$curLine += $word.Length + 1
$strWithNewLines += $word
# return our word wrapped string
return $strWithNewLines
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