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Last active December 11, 2015 18:19
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Save theturtle32/4640511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The code for "Harry" in Harry's Bar on Worlize.
import com.worlize.api.WorlizeAPI;
import com.worlize.api.event.ChatEvent;
import com.worlize.api.event.UserEvent;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
public class NoSoup extends Sprite
public var api:WorlizeAPI;
private var botName:String = "Harry";
private var chatTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 1);
private var pendingResponse:Object;
private var lastComplaint:Date;
private var goodPoint:Point = new Point(900,500);
private var rules:Array = [
condition: "any",
words: [/\brape\b/],
rules: [
condition: "any",
responseMode: "linear",
words: ['haha', 'lol', 'funny', 'joke', 'heh', /\bha\b/],
responses: [
{ say: "Rape is no laughing matter, {{username}}. Drop it." },
{ say: "!I'm throwing you out for being disrespectful. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1",
ban: 180 }
condition: "nomatch",
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "There will be no discussion of rape in my bar, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "!You're outta here, {{username}}! I won't have anyone in my bar talking disrespectfully like that.",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1",
ban: 180 }
condition: "all",
notWords: [ 'harry', 'bartender', 'barkeep', 'bottender' ],
rules: [
condition: "any",
words: [ 'faggot', /\bfag\b/, 'dyke', 'tranny', 'cunt', 'nigger', 'nigga', /\bspics?\b/, /\bcock\b/, 'cocksucker', 'whore', 'skank', 'slut' ],
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "Your mama should wash your mouth out with soap, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "Shut your mouth and treat people with some respect, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "That's it, get out of my bar, {{username}}!",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1",
ban: 30 }
condition: "all",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["soup"],
responses: [
{ say: "No soup for you!" }
condition: "all",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["soap"],
responses: [
{ say: "No soap radio!" }
condition: "all",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["asparagus"],
responses: [
{ say: "I prefer rutabagas myself!" }
condition: "all",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["may the force be with you"],
responses: [
{ say: "The force will be with you, {{username}}!" }
condition: "any",
responseMode: "linear",
words: [
new RegExp("(hi|hello) .*(harry|bartender|barkeep|bottender)")
responses: [
{ say: "Hello, {{username}} what can I get you?" },
{ say: "Hello to you too, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "Hey, {{username}}. What'll it be?" }
condition: "any",
responseMode: "linear",
words: [ "happy hour", "happyhour" ],
responses: [
{ say: "Free Drinks during Happy Hour!" }
condition: "any",
words: [ 'harry', 'bartender', 'barkeep', 'bottender' ],
rules: [
condition: "any",
words: [ /are you gay.*\?$/, /you like (dick|penis|cock).*\?$/ ],
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "That's none of your business, {{username}}." },
{ say: "What's it to you?" },
{ say: "That's between me and Mr. Daniels here." },
{ say: "Aren't you bored of that question yet?" },
{ say: "Meh.. I'm bored of you. I'm gonna kick you out just cause I can.",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1",
ban: 15 }
condition: "any",
words: [ 'fuck', 'tranny', 'skank', 'cunt', 'wanker', 'bitch', 'bastard', 'shit', 'cocksucker', 'faggot', 'twat', /\bvag\b/,
'slut', 'whore', 'dildo', /suck.*(penis|cock|dick|schlong)/, /\bcock\b/, 'blowjob', 'handjob', 'rimjob', 'boobjob',
/(lick|suck|eat).*(vag(ina)?|pussy\b|\bass\b)/, 'bukkake', /motorboat\w* \w+/, 'shove', 'asshole', 'asshat'],
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "Don't talk to me like that, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "How dare you speak to me like that, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "I'm warning you, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "I think you've had a few too many. I'm cutting you off, {{username}}." },
{ say: "!Get out of my bar, {{username}}!", gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1",
ban: 30 },
condition: "any",
words: [ "you suck", "hate you" ],
responseMode: "random",
responses: [
{ say: "I don't particularly care for you either, {{username}}!" }
condition: "any",
words: [ new RegExp("are you.*alcoholic.*\\?$") ],
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "I've been sober for 12 years, but it's a struggle every day." }
condition: "any",
words: [ new RegExp("(re|are) fired"),
new RegExp("(going to)? fire?(ing)? you") ],
responseMode: "random",
responses: [
{ say: "!You can't fire me, {{username}}, I quit!" },
{ say: ":Oh it's going to be like that, is it?!" },
{ say: "I would reconsider that threat if I were you, {{username}}" },
{ say: "You can't fire me if I kick you out first!",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1",
ban: 15 }
condition: "all",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["do you like"],
responses: [
{ say: ":meh." }
condition: "any",
words: [ "give me", "gimme", "i want", "make me", "get me", "may i have", "i'll have", "i get a", "can I have", "i'll get a" ],
notWords: [ 'please', 'may i', 'plz' ],
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "Ask nicely, {{username}}." },
{ say: "Say \"please,\" {{username}}." },
{ say: "I'd be happy to oblige, but ask nicely, {{username}}" }
condition: "any",
words: [ 'please', 'plz', 'may i' ],
rules: [
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["beer","brewski","cold one"],
responses: [
say: "Have a beer, {{username}}!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "f6af3702-0889-f117-9d0d-41de40e72d57"
say: "Here's a nice cold one, {{username}}, on me.",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "d38f14d3-88a6-23a4-0ee5-b9f7c6b7d4b0"
condition: "all",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["strawberry margarita"],
responses: [
say: "Enjoy your blended strawberry margarita, {{username}}. I even rimmed the glass with sugar, just for you.",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "551de43c-7163-894b-7235-ce0c9123350c"
condition: "all",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["margarita"],
responses: [
say: "My apologies, I can only make a blended strawberry margarita, {{username}}. But I rimmed the glass with sugar, just for you!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "551de43c-7163-894b-7235-ce0c9123350c"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: [ "tequilla", "rum", "shot" ],
responses: [
say: "Here's a shot, {{username}}. On the house.",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "7f33a5ab-c3a0-b7b2-3cb7-3e914157ddb0"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: [ "tequilla sunrise", "umbrella" ],
responses: [
say: "Ah there's nothing like a little tequilla in the morning!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "a3e63636-98fa-affb-1536-40c8b22237be"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["maitai", "mai tai", "tropical", "fruity"],
responses: [
say: "A nice fruity Mai Tai, just for you, {{username}}.",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "41a10bf4-0c34-61db-506d-69359c592840"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["cosmo","girly"],
responses: [
say: "Alright, {{username}}. Cosmopolitan, coming right up!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "36b310fc-285c-99d9-e726-6a43bd88dee7"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: [new RegExp("(pear|apple)(tini| martini)")],
responses: [
say: "Here you go, {{username}}!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "c33dbd4b-c42e-4636-5b59-771a125fe84e"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: [ "adios", "hurricane" ],
responses: [
say: "Here you go, {{username}}!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "9ab508f8-f807-1cee-6e56-863b8bd75220"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: [
new RegExp("(dry|gin|vodka) martini")
responses: [
say: "Have a dry martini, {{username}}!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "9c71f161-e9ae-a677-dc42-f6ce26931f72"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["martini"],
responses: [
say: "Have a pomegranate martini, {{username}}!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "36b310fc-285c-99d9-e726-6a43bd88dee7"
say: "Have a dry gin martini with vermouth, {{username}}!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "9c71f161-e9ae-a677-dc42-f6ce26931f72"
say: "Enjoy a nice sweet Appletini, {{username}}!",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "c33dbd4b-c42e-4636-5b59-771a125fe84e"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["coke","pepsi","shasta","cola","pepper","root beer","a&w","barqs"],
responses: [
say: "Trying to sober up, huh {{username}}?",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "f2c342f0-41df-da66-138b-05832e753c31"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: [ "coffee","java","espresso","macchiato","capuccino","cappuccino" ],
responses: [
say: "This'll help with that hangover, {{username}}.",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "59d70087-8d57-ff6f-fcd9-45f981325290"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["whiskey", "whisky", "jack", "hennessey", "makers mark", "maker's mark"],
responses: [
say: "This is all I got, {{username}}. It'll have to do.",
dispenseProp: {
at: "user",
guid: "fd216956-7449-b6cf-0951-2504621dc918"
condition: "any",
responseMode: "linear",
words: [ "a drink" ],
responses: [
say: "What kind of drink would you like, {{username}}?"
condition: "nomatch",
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "I don't think I can do that, {{username}}." },
{ say: "Are you sure, {{username}}?" },
{ say: "I'm not sure that's such a good idea, {{username}}. Maybe something else?" }
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["thank you", "thanks"],
responses: [
{ say: "You're welcome, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "You're most welcome, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "Think nothing of it, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "My pleasure, {{username}}." }
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: ["gracias"],
responses: [
{ say: "¡De nada, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "¡No hay de qué, {{username}}!" }
condition: "any",
responseMode: "linear",
words: [new RegExp("(\\'s|is|re) .*(awesome|excellent|nice|sweet|cute|hot|adorable|handsome)","i"),
new RegExp("(does)? (excellent)","i"),
new RegExp("(make|makes|made|pour|poured|mixes|mixed).*(classic|awesome|perfect|delicious|good|great|tasty|yummy|fantastic).*(drink|cocktail|martini|beer)s?")],
responses: [
{ say: "Thanks, {{username}}, I'm glad you think so." },
{ say: "My mom always told me as much, {{username}}." },
{ say: ":{{username}}, Your lover told me that last night." }
condition: "any",
words: [ "buy you a drink", "get you a drink", "you want a drink", "have a shot", "have a drink" ],
notWords: [ "i have a", "we'll have a" ],
responseMode: "random",
responses: [
{ say: "Thanks, but I don't drink on the job, {{username}}." }
condition: "any",
words: [ new RegExp("(get|buy|give|make|pour) ([\\w]*?) a (.*?)") ],
responseMode: "linear",
responses: [
{ say: "I don't think they would want one of those, {{username}}" }
condition: "any",
responseMode: "random",
words: [new RegExp(' .+\\?$', 'i')],
responses: [
{ say: "Yes, {{username}}." },
{ say: "Absolutely, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "Without a doubt, {{username}}." },
{ say: "Probably, {{username}}." },
{ say: "Maybe, {{username}}!" },
{ say: "You know, {{username}}, I'm not sure." },
{ say: "Unfortunately no, {{username}}." },
{ say: "Not a chance, {{username}}." },
{ say: "When toasters fly, {{username}}." }
condition: "any",
responseMode: "linear",
words: [new RegExp("^[^\s]*\\?$")],
responses: [
{ say: "Yes?" },
{ say: "What can I do for you, {{username}}?" },
{ say: "What now?" }
condition: "nomatch",
responses: [
{ say: "Come again, {{username}}?" },
{ say: "{{username}}, I didn't quite catch that." },
{ say: "I do better with \"yes\" or \"no\" questions, {{username}}" },
{ say: "Whatchu talkin' 'bout, willis?" }
public function NoSoup()
WorlizeAPI.options.defaultWidth = 50;
WorlizeAPI.options.defaultHeight = 50; = "botTender";
api = WorlizeAPI.init(this);
api.thisRoom.addEventListener(ChatEvent.OUTGOING_CHAT, handleOutgoingChat);
api.thisUser.addEventListener(UserEvent.USER_MOVED, handleUserMoved);
chatTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, handleChatTimer);
var banExpires:Number = api.syncedDataStore.get(api.thisUser.guid) as Number;
var now:Number = (new Date()).valueOf();
if (banExpires && banExpires > now) {
api.log("Your ban expires in " + Math.round((banExpires - now) / 1000) + " seconds.");
executeResponse("", {
responseMode: 'random',
responses: [
{ say: "!{{username}}, I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property. 1... 2... 10!",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1" },
{ say: "!{{username}}, I thought I told you to get out! GET OUT!",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1" },
{ say: "!How'd you get back in here, {{username}}?? You're still on my ban list!",
gotoRoom: "95533cc3-6fba-2c0e-5551-9d0e3b6b44b1" }
else {
sayLocal: "Hi, {{username}}. I'm Harry, and this is my bar. Ask me anything you want. In the mean time, can I get you a drink?"
private function handleUserMoved(event:UserEvent=null):void {
var userX:int = api.thisUser.x;
var userY:int = api.thisUser.y;
if (userX === 900 && userY === 500) { return; }
var meX:int = api.thisObject.x + (api.thisObject.width/2);
var meY:int = api.thisObject.y + (api.thisObject.height/2) + 5;
var xd:Number = userX - meX;
var yd:Number = userY - meY;
var distance:int = Math.sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd);
if (distance < 75) {
if (lastComplaint && (new Date()).valueOf() - lastComplaint.valueOf() < 5000) {
api.thisUser.moveTo(goodPoint.x, goodPoint.y);
lastComplaint = new Date();
executeResponse("", {
responseMode: "random",
responses: [
{ say: "Get off me, {{username}}!", move: [goodPoint.x, goodPoint.y] },
{ say: "Ow! Please move, {{username}}!", move: [goodPoint.x, goodPoint.y] },
{ say: "Get out of my personal space, {{username}}!", move: [goodPoint.x, goodPoint.y] }
else {
goodPoint.x = userX;
goodPoint.y = userY;
private function handleOutgoingChat(event:ChatEvent):void {
if (event.isWhisper) { return; }
processRules(event.originalText, rules);
private function queueMessage(response:Object):void {
if (response == null) { return; }
pendingResponse = response;
chatTimer.delay = ('say' in response) ? 1000 + response.say.length * 15 : 10;
private function handleChatTimer(event:TimerEvent):void {
var x:int = api.thisObject.x + 25;
var y:int = api.thisObject.y + 25;
var message:String;
if ('say' in pendingResponse) {
message = pendingResponse.say.replace(/\{\{username\}\}/g,;
api.thisRoom.announce("@" + x + "," + y + " " + message);
msg: "botChat",
botName: botName,
text: message
if ('sayLocal' in pendingResponse) {
message = pendingResponse.sayLocal.replace(/\{\{username\}\}/g,;
api.thisRoom.announceLocal("@" + x + "," + y + " " + message);
msg: "botChat",
botName: botName,
text: message
if ('dispenseProp' in pendingResponse) {
var dispense:Object = pendingResponse.dispenseProp;
if ('at' in dispense) {
var propX:Number = NaN;
var propY:Number = NaN;
if ( === 'user') {
propX = (api.thisUser.x > api.thisRoom.width-75) ? api.thisUser.x - 75 : api.thisUser.x + 75;
propY = api.thisUser.y;
else if ( is Array) {
propX =[0];
propY =[1];
if (!isNaN(propX) && !isNaN(propY)) {
api.thisRoom.addLooseProp(dispense.guid, propX, propY);
msg: "botDispenseProp",
botName: botName,
x: propX,
y: propY,
guid: dispense.guid
if ('gotoRoom' in pendingResponse) {
setTimeout(function():void {
}, 3000);
if ('ban' in pendingResponse) {
// Ban user from room for n seconds.
api.log("You've been banned from the room for " + pendingResponse.ban + " seconds.");
api.syncedDataStore.set(api.thisUser.guid, (new Date()).valueOf() + (pendingResponse.ban * 1000));
if ('move' in pendingResponse) {
api.thisUser.moveTo(pendingResponse.move[0], pendingResponse.move[1]);
private function processRules(chat:String, ruleSet:Array):void {
var success:Boolean = false;
for each (var rule:Object in ruleSet) {
if (rule.condition === 'all') {
success = processRuleConditionAll(chat, rule);
else if (rule.condition === 'any') {
success = processRuleConditionAny(chat, rule);
else if (rule.condition === 'nomatch') {
success = processRuleConditionNoMatch(chat, rule);
else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized Rule Condition: " + rule.condition);
if (success) {
private function processRuleConditionAll(chat:String, rule:Object):Boolean {
var wordsMatched:int = 0;
var lcChat:String = chat.toLowerCase();
var word:*;
if ('notWords' in rule) {
for each (word in rule.notWords) {
if ( !== -1) {
return false;
if (rule.words) {
for each (word in rule.words) {
if ( !== -1) {
wordsMatched ++;
if (wordsMatched !== rule.words.length) {
return false;
executeResponse(chat, rule);
return true;
private function processRuleConditionAny(chat:String, rule:Object):Boolean {
var wordsMatched:int = 0;
var lcChat:String = chat.toLowerCase();
var word:*;
if ('notWords' in rule) {
for each (word in rule.notWords) {
if ( !== -1) {
return false;
if (rule.words) {
for each (word in rule.words) {
if ( !== -1) {
wordsMatched ++;
if (wordsMatched === 0) {
return false;
executeResponse(chat, rule);
return true;
private function processRuleConditionNoMatch(chat:String, rule:Object):Boolean {
executeResponse(chat, rule);
return true;
private function executeResponse(chat:String, rule:Object):void {
if ('rules' in rule) {
processRules(chat, rule.rules);
if (rule.responseMode === "linear") {
if (!rule.hasOwnProperty('responseIndex')) {
rule.responseIndex = 0;
else {
rule.responseIndex ++;
if (rule.responseIndex >= rule.responses.length) {
rule.responseIndex = 0;
else if (rule.responseMode === "random") {
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