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####Google Analytics JAzz####
#Credit goes to Alexey Seleznev
#need to do this to authentiate is all
# In order to access the AdWords API you have to meet the following requirements:
# Valid Google API project (client ID, client secret)
# Valid AdWords MCC (my client center) account
# Valid AdWords API Developer Token
# Do NOT use an Adwords Testaccount!
#2. Declaration of variables
clientid <- "InsertCLientID"
secret <- "insertSecret" #Client secret из google console
ga_view <- "Insert_GA_ID" #ID views from Google Analytics - make sure format is "GA:XXXXXXXX"
adwords_id <- "XXX-XXX-XXXX" #ID of Google AdWords account
# Authorize the Google Analytics account. This does not need to be executed in every session once the token object is created...
#RGoogleAnalytics::Auth('ClientID','Secret') Placeholder
token <- Auth(,client.secret)
#Time period, in which it is needed to determine the amount of lost revenue
start_period <- c(day = "01",
month = "01",
year = "2018")
end_period <- c(day = "26",
month = "01",
year = "2018")
#4.Requesting data from services.
#4.1. Receiving data from Google Analytics
#4.1.1. Describing the query to Google Analytics
query.list <- Init( = paste(start_period["year"],start_period["month"],start_period["day"],sep = "-"), = paste(end_period["year"],end_period["month"],end_period["day"],sep = "-"),
dimensions = "ga:adwordsCampaignID, ga:campaign",
metrics = "ga:transactions,ga:transactionRevenue",
filters = "ga:source==google,ga:medium==cpc", = ga_view)
#You'll notice VERY SMALL changes about 3-4 on this script vs the article above at the top, because I had to make
#a few adjustments to get this to work right.
#4.1.2. Creating an API query object to Google Analytics
ga.query <- QueryBuilder(query.list)
#4.1.3. Receiving data from Google Analytics in R
gaData <- GetReportData(ga.query, token, split_daywise = FALSE, paginate_query = FALSE)
#if you get max results error and restart pagination - make sure to restart R session and install RGoogleAnalytics and load it again, dont use devtools
# <- I found out that older version had not declared max results in functions in
#the newer package so I skipped out on the devtools install and did install.packages within R Studio.
#4.2. Receiving data from Google AdWords
#4.2.1. Describing the API query to Google AdWords.
body <- statement(select=c('CampaignId',
'SearchRankLostImpressionShare ',
#For Adwords Auth It will ask for data and make you accept permissions as well
adwords_auth <- doAuth(F)
#4.2.2. Sending the query to Google AdWords - Need to remove API Version for this to work like so:
adwordsData <- getData(clientCustomerId = adwords_id,
google_auth = google_auth,
statement = body,
transformation = T)
#in case all else fails- from the repo
#data <- getData(clientCustomerId='XXX-XXX-XXXX', google_auth=google_auth ,statement=body)
#5. Preparing the summary table.
#5.1. Combining data from Google Analytics and Google AdWords in one table
totalData <- merge(gaData, adwordsData, by.x = "adwordsCampaignID", by.y = "CampaignID", all.x = TRUE)
#5.2. Replacing missed values with zeros - Need to remove this, already have it below...
for (i in 1:length(totalData)){
totalData[which([i])),i] <- 0
#5.3. Final calculations of the number of lost transactions and revenue.
totalData$lostImpressionByBudgetSearch <- round(totalData$Impressions / (1-totalData$`SearchLostIS(budget)`) - totalData$Impressions,0)
totalData$lostImpressionByRankSearch <- round(totalData$Impressions / (1-totalData$`SearchLostIS(rank)`) - totalData$Impressions,0)
totalData$lostImpressionByBudgetDisplay <- round(totalData$Impressions / (1-totalData$`ContentLostIS(budget)`) - totalData$Impressions,0)
totalData$lostImpressionByRankDisplay <- round(totalData$Impressions / (1-totalData$`ContentLostIS(rank)`) - totalData$Impressions,0)
totalData$lostImpressionByBudget <- totalData$lostImpressionByBudgetSearch + totalData$lostImpressionByBudgetDisplay
totalData$lostImpressionByRank <- totalData$lostImpressionByRankSearch + totalData$lostImpressionByRankDisplay
totalData$lostClicksByBudget <- round(totalData$lostImpressionByBudget * (totalData$CTR),0)
totalData$lostClicksByRank <- round(totalData$lostImpressionByRank * (totalData$CTR),0)
totalData$lostTransactionsByBudget <- round(totalData$lostClicksByBudget * (totalData$transactions / totalData$Clicks),0)
totalData$lostTransactionsByRank <- round(totalData$lostClicksByRank * (totalData$transactions / totalData$Clicks),0)
totalData$lostTransactions <- totalData$lostTransactionsByBudget + totalData$lostTransactionsByRank
totalData$lostRevenueByBudget <- round(totalData$lostTransactionsByBudget * (totalData$transactionRevenue / totalData$transactions),0)
totalData$lostRevenueByRank <- round(totalData$lostTransactionsByRank * (totalData$transactionRevenue / totalData$transactions),0)
totalData$lostRevenue <- totalData$lostRevenueByBudget + totalData$lostRevenueByRank
#6. Unloading the calculated table in csv file
write.csv(totalData, file="Adwords_GA_Analysis_CampaignsExample.csv", row.names=FALSE)
#7. Visualization in the form of a pie chart
lost_revenue <- c('received revenue' = sum(totalData$transactionRevenue), 'lost by budget' =sum(totalData$lostRevenueByBudget), 'lost by rank' = sum(totalData$lostRevenueByRank))
pie(lost_revenue,col = c("green", "red", "yellow"))
#Not Working? Go back up to step 5.2 to Remove the NA values! Then Run Pie chart and the bind again in #7
#Cant figure this out, or how to fix this yet...
HistData <- rbind(data.frame(subset(totalData, select = c("Campaign", "transactionRevenue")), Type = "GottenRevenue"),
setNames(data.frame(subset(totalData, select = c("Campaign", "lostRevenueByBudget")), Type = "LostByBudget"), c("Campaign", "transactionRevenue","Type")),
setNames(data.frame(subset(totalData, select = c("Campaign", "lostRevenueByRank")), Type = "LostByRank"), c("Campaign", "transactionRevenue","Type")))
HistData <- HistData[!is.nan(HistData$transactionRevenue),]
ggplot(HistData, aes(x = Campaign, y = transactionRevenue, fill = Type))+
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill")+
scale_fill_manual(values=c("forestgreen", "firebrick1", "tan1"))+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, size = 7))+
ggtitle("Lost Conversion rate")
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