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Last active March 22, 2024 19:38
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Save theoephraim/ddb57d739af1d389463268403e8e0b76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. configuration schema example
import {
defineConfigSchema, DmnoBaseTypes, NodeEnvType, configPath, dmnoFormula, switchByDmnoEnv, switchByNodeEnv,
valueCreatedDuringDeployment, createDmnoDataType, injectPlugin, ValidationError, registerPlugin,
} from '@dmno/core';
import { OnePasswordDmnoPlugin } from '@dmno/1password-plugin';
// plugins can be used to create reusable functionality and can reference config items in their initialization
const encryptedSecrets = new EncryptedFileStorePlugin({ name: 'local-secrets', key: configPath('LOCAL_SECRETS_KEY') });
// pre-configured plugins can be auto-injected from those that were initialized in the workspace root
// just by type if there is only one instance, or with an aditional instance name if needed
const onePassSync = injectPlugin(OnePasswordDmnoPlugin);
// const onePassSync = injectPlugin('prod-vault', OnePasswordDmnoPlugin); // example with a name
export default defineConfigSchema({
// each service can be explicitly named or will default to the name from its package.json
name: 'api',
// explicitly set a parent service to nest them, otherwise everything is a child of the "root" workspace
// this affects the dependency graph of services and it affects "picking" logic (see below)
parent: 'group1',
// config items can be "picked" from other services (in every service except the root)
// while picking from an ancestor, you can pick from _all_ config items in that service
// otherwise you can only pick items that have been marked as `expose: true`
pick: [
// you can specify the source service name and key(s) to pick
source: 'root',
key: 'SINGLE_KEY',
// if source is omitted, it will fallback to the workspace root
// shorthand to pick single key from root
// you can pick multiple keys at once
source: 'other-service',
key: ['MULTIPLE', 'KEYS'],
// you can pick by filtering keys with a function
// (filters from all items or just exposed items depending if the source is an ancestor)
source: 'root',
key: (key) => key.startsWith('DB_'),
// keys can be transformed, and you can use a static value if picking a single key
renameKey: 'NEW_KEY_NAME',
// or use a function if picking multiple
key: ['KEY1', 'KEY2'],
renameKey: (k) => `PREFIX_${k}`,
// values can also be transformed with functions
transformValue: (v) => v + 1,
// services also define more config items relevant to only themselves and to be picked by other services
schema: {
// SETTING ITEM TYPE -----------------------------------------------------------------
// the default method, where a datatype is called as a function with some settings
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.number({ min: 0, max: 100 })
// you can use a type that has not been initialized if no settings are needed
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.number
// string/named format works for some basic types (string, number, boolean, etc) with no settings
extends: 'number'
// passing nothing will try to infer the type from a static value or fallback to a string otherwise
DEFAULTS_TO_NUMBER: { value: 42 }, // infers number
DEFAULTS_TO_STRING: { value: 'cool' }, // infers string
FALLBACK_TO_STRING_NO_INFO: { }, // assumes string
value: onePassSync.item('secret-id-12345'),
// an additional shorthand is provided for config items with no settings other than extends/type
// (although not recommended because attaching additional metadata/info is helpful)
SHORTHAND_TYPE_INITIALIZED: DmnoBaseTypes.number({ min: 100 }),
// and of course you can use custom types (see below), which can in turn extend other types
extends: MyCustomPostgresConnectionUrlType,
// additional settings can be added/overridden as normal
required: true,
// SETTING VALUES -----------------------------------------------------------------
// config items can specify how to set their value within their schema
// so you can set sensible defaults, or even set all possible values and sync secrets securely with various backends
// overrides from .env file(s) and actual environment variables will also be applied
// and then coercion/validation logic will be run on the resolved value
// values can be set to a static value - useful for constants and settings that will be overridden by env vars
value: 'static'
// or use a function that takes a ctx object that has other config item values available
value: (ctx) => `prefix_${ctx.get('OTHER_ITEM')}`
// a simple formula DSL is provided which handles common cases without needing to write a function at all
value: dmnoFormula('prefix_{{ OTHER_ITEM }}'),
// or synced with a secure backend using a plugin
value: onePassSync.itemByReference("op://dev test/example/username"),
// or switched based on another value (usually an env flag, but not always)
// and a "value resolver" can always return another resolver, which lets you easily compose functionality
// NOTE - it's easy to author your own reusable resolvers to create whatever functionality you need
value: switchByNodeEnv({
_default: 'default-value',
staging: (ctx) => `${ctx.get('NODE_ENV')}-value`,
production: onePassSync.item("asdf1234zxcv6789"),
// COMPLEX TYPE (object, arrays, maps) //////////////////////////
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.object({
CHILD1: { },
CHILD2: { },
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.array({
itemSchema: {
extends: 'number'
minLength: 2,
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.dictionary({
itemSchema: {
extends: 'number'
validateKeys: (key) => key.length === 2,
// VALIDATIONS + COERCION /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// most validation logic will likely be handled by helpers on reusable types
// but sometimes you may need something more custom
// it will run _after_ the type (extends) defined validation(s)
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.string({ isLength: 128, startsWith: 'pk_' }),
validate(val, ctx) {
// validations can use the ctx to access other values
if (ctx.get('NODE_ENV') === 'production') {
if (!val.startsWith('pk_live_')) {
// throw a ValidationError with a meaningful message
throw new ValidationError('production key must start with "pk_live_"');
return true;
// async validations can be used if a validation needs to make async calls
// NOTE - these will be triggered on-demand rather than run constantly like regular validations
asyncValidate: async (val, ctx) => {
try {
// if the request succeeds, we know the value was ok
await fetch(`${val}`);
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
// OTHER SETTINGS //////////////////////////////////////////////
// some basic info will help within the UI and be included in generated ts types
// as well as help other devs understand what this env var is for :)
summary: 'short label',
description: 'longer description can go here',
// mark an item as required so it will fail validation if empty
required: true,
// mark an item as secret so we know it must be handled sensitively!
// for example, it will not be logged or injected into front-end builds
secret: true,
// understand when this value is used, which lets us parallelize run/deploy
// and know when a missing item should be considered a critical problem or be ignored
useAt: ['build', 'boot', 'deploy'],
// mark an item as being "exposed" for picking by other services
expose: true,
// override name when importing/exporting into process.env
exportEnvKey: 'EXPORT_AS_THIS_VAR',
// our custom type system allows you to build your own reusable types
// or to take other plugin/community defined types and tweak them as necessary
// internally a chain of "extends" types is stored and settings are resolved by walking up the chain
const MyCustomPostgresConnectionUrlType = createDmnoDataType({
// you can extend one of our base types or another custom type...
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.url,
// all normal config item settings are supported
secret: true,
// a few settings are docs related and make more sense in the context of a reusable type (although they can still be set directly on items)
// these will show up within the UI and generated types in various ways
typeDescription: 'Postgres connection url',
externalDocs: {
description: 'explanation from prisma docs',
url: ''
ui: {
// uses iconify names, see for options
icon: 'akar-icons:postgresql-fill',
color: '336791', // postgres brand color :)
// for validation/coercion, we walk up the chain and apply the functions from top to bottom
// for example, given the following type chain:
// - DmnoBaseTypes.string - makes sure the value is a string
// - DmnoBaseTypes.url - makes sure that string looks like a URL
// - PostgresConnectionUrlType - checks that url against some custom logic
validate(val, ctx) {
// check this url looks like a postgres connection url
// but you can alter the exection order, or disable the parent altogether
runParentValidate: 'after', // set to `false` to disable running the parent's validate
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