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Last active November 3, 2021 10:42
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Resolution for Double Cola Problem in Elixir
defmodule DoubleCola do
defp mapper({current_names, size}),
do:, &(%{name: &1, size: size}))
defp traverse([%{name: name, size: size} | rest], n) when n <= size,
do: name
defp traverse([%{name: name, size: size} | rest], n),
do: traverse(rest, n - size)
def find_nth(names, n) do
names_length = length(names)
range = Stream.unfold(1, &({&1, &1 * 2}))
|> Stream.cycle()
|> Stream.chunk_every(names_length)
|> Stream.flat_map(&mapper/1)
|> Enum.take(n)
|> traverse(n)
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