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HashiTalks 2022 - OIDC configuration with Hashi Vault


Configure Vault

Start Vault:

vault server -dev

Enable JWT auth mechanism:

vault auth enable jwt

Configure jwt auth with oidc discovery URL:

vault write auth/jwt/config \
	oidc_discovery_url="" \
	bound_issuer="" \

Create a role for jwt authentication:

vault write auth/jwt/role/github-action \
	bound_subject="repo:alwell-kevin/code-to-cloud-twitch:ref:refs/heads/main" \
	bound_audiences="" \
	user_claim="sub" \
	policies="ci" \
	ttl=10m \

Note: ttl defines the validity of client_token.Change this if longer validity for token is needed.

Edit ci policy to allow access to CI:

# ci-policy.hcl
path "secret/data/ci" {
  capabilities = [ "read" ]

Write the policy:

vault policy write ci ci-policy.hcl

Add secret:

vault kv put secret/ci npmToken=StresseD

Configure GitHub Actions self hosted runner

Configure and start a self hosted runner:

# ...configuration according to instructions...


Retrive the secret from an Actions workflow


name: Retrieve Vault Secret

    runs-on: self-hosted
      id-token: write
      contents: read


    # Use official HashiCorp Vault action, directing it to retrieve the `npmToken` secret from
    # the local endpoint using the role configured previously.
    - uses: hashicorp/vault-action@v2.4.0
        url: ''
        method: jwt
        role: github-action
        secrets: secret/data/ci npmToken

    # Use the secret (echo for validation, in this case). By default, the secret is written to an 
    # environment variable with the same name as the secret. 
    - run: |
        echo $NPMTOKEN | rev

Special Shout out to @imjohnbo for making this possible!

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