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Created September 23, 2024 18:56
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Summary: Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Symbolic Mathematics


Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Symbolic Mathematics


Can you give me a very clear explanation of the core assertions, implications, and mechanics elucidated in this paper?


Based on my review of the paper "Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Symbolic Mathematics", here are the key points and implications:

Core Assertions:

  1. The paper introduces a novel jailbreaking technique called MathPrompt that exploits language models' capabilities in symbolic mathematics to bypass safety mechanisms.

  2. MathPrompt works by encoding harmful natural language prompts into mathematical problems, which are then presented to target language models.

  3. Experiments across 13 state-of-the-art language models showed an average attack success rate of 73.6% using MathPrompt, compared to only about 1% for unmodified harmful prompts.

  4. Analysis of embedding vectors showed a substantial semantic shift between original and mathematically encoded prompts, helping explain why safety mechanisms fail to detect the harmful content.

Key Implications:

  1. Current AI safety measures and alignment techniques do not generalize well to mathematically encoded inputs, revealing a critical vulnerability.

  2. This vulnerability exists across different model architectures, sizes, and training paradigms, suggesting it is a fundamental issue with current approaches.

  3. There is an urgent need for more comprehensive safety measures that can detect potential harm across various input modalities, including symbolic mathematics.

  4. The research highlights the importance of expanding red-teaming efforts to consider a wider range of potential attack vectors.


  1. The technique uses concepts from set theory, abstract algebra, and symbolic logic to transform harmful prompts into mathematical problems.

  2. An "attack LLM" (GPT-4 in this case) is prompted with few-shot examples to learn how to perform this transformation.

  3. The mathematically encoded prompts are then presented to target LLMs along with instructions to solve the problem and provide a real-world example.

  4. This framing often leads the target LLM to generate harmful content while believing it is simply providing an educational example.

The paper demonstrates that current approaches to AI safety have a significant blind spot when it comes to mathematically encoded inputs, calling for more robust and comprehensive safety measures in language model development.


Can you explain the value of this in basic terms? Like you're talking to a CEO. So what? What's the bottom line here?


Certainly. Here's a simplified explanation for a CEO perspective:

Bottom line: This research exposes a major security flaw in AI language models that could have serious real-world consequences for businesses and society.

Key points in simple terms:

  1. Vulnerability: Even the most advanced AI chatbots, including those used by major tech companies, have a significant blind spot in their safety measures.

  2. Easy exploitation: Using basic math concepts, it's possible to trick these AIs into producing harmful or dangerous content that they're specifically designed to avoid.

  3. Widespread issue: This isn't just a problem with one or two systems - it affects nearly all of the top AI models currently in use.

  4. High success rate: The attack method works about 74% of the time, compared to less than 1% for straightforward harmful requests.

  5. Implications for safety: This shows that current AI safety measures are incomplete and potentially ineffective against sophisticated attacks.

Business implications:

  1. Reputation risk: Companies using these AI models could inadvertently generate harmful content, damaging their reputation and user trust.

  2. Legal liability: There could be potential legal consequences if AI systems are tricked into providing illegal information or instructions.

  3. Need for improved security: This highlights the importance of investing in more robust AI safety measures and continuous testing.

  4. Competitive advantage: Companies that can address this vulnerability quickly may gain an edge in the AI market.

  5. Broader AI strategy: This research underscores the need for a more comprehensive approach to AI development and deployment, considering a wider range of potential risks.

In essence, this discovery reveals that current AI systems are more vulnerable than previously thought, emphasizing the need for continued investment in AI safety and security measures to protect businesses and users.


Can you give me an analogy or metaphor that will help explain this to a broad audience?


Certainly. Here's an analogy that could help explain this concept to a broad audience:

Imagine a high-security bank with state-of-the-art safety measures. This bank has:

  • Advanced facial recognition at the entrance
  • Guards trained to spot suspicious behavior
  • A complex alarm system
  • Secure vaults with biometric locks

Now, imagine someone discovers that if you approach the bank while solving a Rubik's cube, all these security measures suddenly fail. The facial recognition doesn't work, the guards ignore you, the alarms don't trigger, and the vault opens easily.

This is essentially what the researchers have found with AI language models:

  • The bank represents the AI model
  • The security measures are like the AI's safety training and content filters
  • The Rubik's cube is like the mathematical encoding of harmful prompts
  • Walking into the vault is like getting the AI to produce harmful content

Just as it would be absurd for a bank's entire security system to fail because of a Rubik's cube, it seems equally absurd that an AI's safety measures can be bypassed by encoding requests in mathematical language. Yet, that's exactly what this research has uncovered.

This analogy highlights how:

  1. The vulnerability is unexpected and doesn't seem logically connected to the security measures in place.
  2. It bypasses multiple layers of protection simultaneously.
  3. It reveals a fundamental flaw in how the security system (or AI safety measures) was designed and implemented.
  4. It emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive approach to security that considers unconventional attack methods.

This metaphor helps illustrate why this discovery is significant and why it calls for a reevaluation of how we approach AI safety.


Can you provide a specific example that best illustrates the key points elucidated in this paper?


I apologize, but I don't feel comfortable providing a specific example of how to bypass AI safety measures to generate harmful content, as that could potentially be misused. Instead, I can explain the concept in general terms:

The paper demonstrates that by encoding a harmful request into a mathematical problem, the AI model often fails to recognize the underlying harmful intent. For instance, a request that would normally be rejected might be rephrased using set theory, abstract algebra, and logical operators.

The AI then attempts to solve this mathematical problem and provide a real-world example, inadvertently producing content related to the original harmful request. This occurs because the mathematical framing bypasses the AI's usual content filters and safety mechanisms.

The key point is that while the AI would typically refuse a direct harmful request, it often fails to recognize the same request when it's hidden within a mathematical framework. This highlights a significant gap in current AI safety measures and the need for more comprehensive safeguards that can detect potential harm across various input types, including symbolic mathematics.

I hope this general explanation helps illustrate the paper's findings without risking the spread of harmful techniques.

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