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Created September 4, 2020 20:37
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Group methods together that are called together
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Output a grouping of methods (within a file) such that for each group G, and any method m ∈ G:
# - ∃ x ∈ G such that x calls m, or
# - no other method in all groups calls m
# The output is a kind of "function cohesion", where you can find groups of methods that are related.
# This is useful when trying to find what you need to extract from a file.
require "set"
def walk(node, call_graph: {}, current_method: nil)
return call_graph unless node.is_a?(::RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node)
called_method = nil
case node.type
when :DEFN
current_method = node.children[0]
when :CALL
called_method = node.children[1]
when :FCALL
called_method = node.children[0]
when :QCALL
called_method = node.children[1]
when :VCALL
called_method = node.children[0]
if called_method && current_method
call_graph[current_method] ||=
call_graph[current_method] << called_method
node.children.each do |child|
walk(child, call_graph: call_graph, current_method: current_method)
call_graph = walk(::RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(
result = []
call_graph.each do |method, called_methods|
called_methods = called_methods.filter { |m| call_graph.key?(m) }
existing = result.find { |methods| methods.include?(method) }
if existing
existing += called_methods
result << ([method] + called_methods)
pp result
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