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Created November 23, 2016 23:01
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Run a series of curl requests and profile the mean / std. dev. of those requests
profile-curl() {
local num_iters=500
local num_warmups=10
local -a times
for x in $(seq 1 "${num_warmups}"); do
curl -s -o /dev/null "$@" 2>&1
for x in $(seq 1 "${num_iters}"); do
times+=($(curl -s -w '%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null "$@"))
ruby -- - "${times[@]}" <<-EOS
values =
μ = values.reduce(:+) / values.length
σ = ({ |x| (x - μ)**2 }.reduce(:+) / values.length) ** 0.5
puts "μ = %.4f, σ = %.4f" % [μ, σ]
profile-curl "$@"
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