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Created August 27, 2024 12:34
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  • Save theevilbit/ffd978145a975b912be03759a44da748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theevilbit/ffd978145a975b912be03759a44da748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Run the lsregister command and store the output in a variable
output=$(/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -dump)
# Use awk to parse the relevant sections
echo "$output" | awk '
# When "CFBundleDisplayName" is found, store the app name
/CFBundleDisplayName/ {
app_name = substr($0, index($0, "=") + 2)
gsub(/[ \;"]+/, "", app_name)
# When "CFBundleIdentifier" is found, store the bundle identifier
/CFBundleIdentifier/ {
bundle_id = substr($0, index($0, "=") + 2)
gsub(/[ \;"]+/, "", bundle_id)
# When "claimed schemes" is found, store the schemes
/claimed schemes/ {
# Remove leading tabs and spaces
schemes = substr($0, index($0, ":") + 2)
gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", schemes)
# If schemes are found and app_name and bundle_id are set, print the information
schemes && app_name && bundle_id {
print "App Name: " app_name
print "Bundle Identifier: " bundle_id
print "Claimed Schemes: " schemes
print "------------------------------------"
# Reset values for next application
schemes = ""
app_name = ""
bundle_id = ""
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