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Last active September 7, 2024 14:51
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Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool
# Features:
# - Unpack/repack .cfg files generated from the backup and restore functionnality
# in order to modify the full router configuration
# - Decrypt/encrypt the passwords/secret values present in the configuration
# Blog post:
# Released under the MIT License (
# Copyright (c) Sami Alaoui Kendil (thedroidgeek)
import sys
import zlib
import struct
import base64
import binascii
import datetime
big_endian = True
encrypted_cfg = False
def u32(val):
return struct.unpack('>I' if big_endian else '<I', val)[0]
def p32(val):
return struct.pack('>I' if big_endian else '<I', val)
def checkendian(cfg):
if (cfg[0:4] == b'\x00\x12\x31\x23'):
return True
elif (cfg[0:4] == b'\x23\x31\x12\x00'):
return False
return None
class RouterCrypto:
def __init__(self):
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# key and IV for AES
key = '3D A3 73 D7 DC 82 2E 2A 47 0D EC 37 89 6E 80 D7 2C 49 B3 16 29 DD C9 97 35 4B 84 03 91 77 9E A4'
iv = 'D0 E6 DC CD A7 4A 00 DF 76 0F C0 85 11 CB 05 EA'
# create AES-128-CBC cipher
self.cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, bytes(bytearray.fromhex(iv)))
def decrypt(self, data):
output = self.cipher.decrypt(data)
# remove PKCS#7 padding
return output[:-ord(output[-1:])]
def encrypt(self, data):
# add PKCS#7 padding for 128-bit AES
pad_num = (16 - (len(data) % 16))
data += chr(pad_num).encode() * pad_num
return self.cipher.encrypt(data)
# unpack xml from cfg
if (len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-u'):
# line feed
# read the cfg file
cf = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
cfg_data =
# check cfg file magic (0x123123) and determine endianness
big_endian = checkendian(cfg_data)
if big_endian == None:
# check if config is encrypted
decrypted = None
# decrypt and check validity
decrypted = RouterCrypto().decrypt(cfg_data)
big_endian = checkendian(decrypted)
except ValueError:
# if decryption failed, or still invalid, bail out
if big_endian == None:
print('invalid cfg file/magic :(\n')
# set decrypted cfg buffer and encryption flag
print('-> encrypted cfg detected')
cfg_data = decrypted
encrypted_cfg = True
# log endianness
if big_endian:
print('-> big endian CPU detected')
print('-> little endian CPU detected')
# get fw_magic (unknown, could be fw version/compile time, hw serial number, etc.)
fw_magic = u32(cfg_data[0x10:0x14])
print('-> fw_magic = ' + hex(fw_magic))
# get the size of the compressed data
data_size = u32(cfg_data[4:8])
# get the compressed data
compressed = cfg_data[0x14 : 0x14 + data_size]
# get the checksum of the compressed data
checksum = u32(cfg_data[8:12])
# verify the checksum
if (binascii.crc32(compressed) & 0xFFFFFFFF != checksum):
print('\nCRC32 checksum failed :(\n')
# unpack the config
xml_data = zlib.decompress(compressed)
# output the xml file
out_filename = 'config-%s.xml' %'%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
of = open(out_filename, 'wb')
print('\nunpacked as: ' + out_filename)
print('\n# repack with:')
print('%s %s %s %s\n' % (sys.argv[0], ('-pb' if big_endian else '-pl') + ('e' if encrypted_cfg else ''), out_filename, hex(fw_magic)))
# generate cfg from xml
elif (len(sys.argv) == 4 and (sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pb' or sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pl')):
fw_magic = 0
# parse hex string
fw_magic = int(sys.argv[3], 16)
# 32-bit check
print('\ninvalid magic value specified (32-bit hex)\n')
big_endian = sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pb'
encrypted_cfg = sys.argv[1][3:] == 'e'
out_filename = 'config-%s.cfg' %'%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
# read the xml file
xf = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
xml_data =
# compress using default zlib compression
compressed = zlib.compress(xml_data)
## construct the header ##
# magic
cfg_data = p32(0x123123)
# size of compressed data
cfg_data += p32(len(compressed))
# crc32 checksum
cfg_data += p32(binascii.crc32(compressed) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
# size of xml file
cfg_data += p32(len(xml_data) + 1)
# fw_magic
cfg_data += p32(fw_magic)
# add the compressed xml
cfg_data += compressed
# encrypt if necessary
if encrypted_cfg:
cfg_data = RouterCrypto().encrypt(cfg_data)
# write the cfg file
of = open(out_filename, 'wb')
print('\npacked as: ' + out_filename + '\n')
# decrypt/encrypt secret value
elif (len(sys.argv) == 3 and (sys.argv[1] == '-d' or sys.argv[1] == '-e')):
decrypt_mode = sys.argv[1] == '-d'
if decrypt_mode:
# base64 decode + AES decrypt
print('\ndecrypted: ' + RouterCrypto().decrypt(base64.b64decode(sys.argv[2])).decode('UTF-8') + '\n')
# AES encrypt + base64 encode
print('\nencrypted: ' + base64.b64encode(RouterCrypto().encrypt(sys.argv[2].encode())).decode('UTF-8') + '\n')
print('\n#\n# Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool\n#\n')
print('# unpack (cfg to xml)\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -u config.cfg\n')
print('# pack (xml to cfg)\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pb config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, no encryption, fw_magic = 0x13377331')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pl config.xml 0x13377331 # little endian, ...')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pbe config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, with encryption, ...')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -ple config.xml 0x13377331 # ...\n')
print('# decrypt/encrypt secret values within xml (ealgo="ab")\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -d OYdLWUVDdKQTPaCIeTqniA==')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -e admin\n')
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Padke9 commented Nov 8, 2023

@Banaune @r10p finally found password of super user

model_name=Nokia WiFi Beacon 1.1


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r10p commented Nov 9, 2023


sai ho bro

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sodapng commented Nov 10, 2023

Help, please, find out the PPPoE password. Device name: G-1425G-B

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mehradraissi commented Dec 4, 2023

@Padke9 @Banaune @r10p @r10p @krausar791 Hi, Anyone has latest firmware for unlock factory Nokia FastMile 3.1 by any chance ?, thank you

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ETCHDEV commented Dec 25, 2023

I am getting this error -> little endian CPU detected
-> fw_magic = 0xffffffff
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/arjun/Downloads/", line 137, in
xml_data = zlib.decompress(compressed)
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check

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ETCHDEV commented Dec 25, 2023


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hhejkhalkfahjahsf commented Jan 7, 2024
Worked for XS-2426G-A 3FE49385HJJI85(1.2201.185)

Maybe someone will be able to update the script?

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Can anyone share stock firmware for 2425g-a , i borked by setting the operator id to 0000 and reset the router. i can't get anywhere from internet.

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Banaune commented Jan 20, 2024

@daemonlover7 You can refer here for the firmware : Firmware Link

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Hello @thedroidgeek Thankyou for the detailed instruction , although this is the first time ive used python and still able get to root user succesfully on G-140w-F & G-140w-C . now what i want is to Modify the default configuration of the ONT ( that means if we hard reset the ONT it will restore our modified configuration). Thanks Again for the Guide
below are the available cmds.

Hello how did you do to access ONTUSER my model G-140W-H and I believe it is different in some configuration. I already set LimitAccount_ONTUSER to false, but without success when logging via telnet. Can you help me. I can send the configuration file.

Hi... i want help on this one also... do you have the answers already?

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diwash5 commented Apr 22, 2024

Any Idea where i can Find the list of OperatorID in the router itself ?
Also for anyone Looking Info on Nokia G-1425-MA specially from Classictech :
Web Username : classicadmin
Web Password : Cr3d3nti@lofNok!aONT0061_P@SSW)RD

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Any Idea where i can Find the list of OperatorID in the router itself ? Also for anyone Looking Info on Nokia G-1425-MA specially from Classictech : Web Username : classicadmin Web Password : Cr3d3nti@lofNok!aONT0061_P@SSW)RD

Great bro

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sea72 commented May 11, 2024

thanks a lot

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Heaven-Is-Myth-Nepal-Is-Real commented May 12, 2024


model_name=Nokia WiFi Beacon 1.1

Username=superadmin Password=Telc@Admin2#

GPON New Password Need to crack this ont G-02425-B : Worldink user Web Auth Pass Just able to export the config was able to login with this sha256 key
$5$ml5m3FS4jai3Ic1Q$1rU3UrvBt8Zu39I/jmM3rwFI86AJCjXbuom3LlBWYl6 the username is on the string format but it is randomized but remains same for every device tried using hashcat but i have little knowledge about it
(so unable to do so)

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Padke9 commented May 15, 2024

Here is hash password

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Heaven-Is-Myth-Nepal-Is-Real commented May 17, 2024

this is the Wordlink new password in hash format cracked this one
$5$UqWsQaG1XwNyGz/5$YZRmV5KRnhziJpQuB4mVCA4gn5hwhQOJZ8/vKx3YVYB Possible algorithms: sha256crypt $5$, SHA256 (Unix)

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Padke9 commented May 20, 2024

how could i decrypt these

<DebugDyPass. n="DyPass" t="staticObject">
<Enable rw="RW" t="boolean" v="false"/>
<PriKey ml="256" rw="R" t="string" v="/9dZA08iJtpdxQwLEN/PXRuvp/W8vthrcznIfPpvWl1bW71HTLPxGcvLgXbMSCT80n0uIV8m4a7D73M2jManOPCJHIGQ/oFNQAEY794iUXOMacgsEJKWycVv59paSz/8SJsjdjMHx4JooJIDXScEWRpxQ2MDCfKOFneBr37u3gtVsWbCwF333Jo=" ealgo="sab" kn="key11" ckn="key3"/>

<UserName ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="superadmin"/>
<Password ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="/9Iyf1nuW9Jvqbpt0rKmF14mMp9S6stqWg==" ealgo="sab" kn="key11" ckn="key3"/>
<PresetPassword ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="/+7bmhokKmku68N3wd0D7q1lQhQzGyBm/w==" ealgo="sab" kn="key11" ckn="key3"/>

<UserName ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="superuser"/>
<Password ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="/+FSdhRkyEVTdqnlACIuZqb+JEOjo2W9AQ==" ealgo="sab" kn="key11" ckn="key3"/>

<Username ml="256" rw="RW" t="string" v="hgw"/>
<Password ml="256" rw="RW" t="string" v="//buUg3QO21FJsSkPuSqUO+IAeZqYNQbpA==" ealgo="sab" kn="key11" ckn="key3"/>

<ServerPort dv="1813" max="65535" min="1" rw="RW" t="unsignedInt" v="1813"/>
<SecondaryServerPort dv="1813" max="65535" min="1" rw="RW" t="unsignedInt" v="1813"/>
<Secret dv="/wUulBnBDCo+gskG5zJ6oBSZkt1BuY3XKA==" ml="128" rw="RW" t="string" v="/2ctMVcrsk94G9fTQV0aZb5Uj8+CfA+a5Q==" ealgo="sab" kn="key11" ckn="key3"/>
<SecondarySecret dv="/8Lc9Ew+5WA61Wch0ChNpc73lgZkV3Dyzg==" ml="128" rw="RW" t="string" v="/wzcD2XHnlc4ohWWh22hMn3RD3TuSDXc3A==" ealgo="sab" kn="key11" ckn="key3"/>

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Padke9 commented May 20, 2024

this is the Wordlink new password in hash format cracked this one
$5$UqWsQaG1XwNyGz/5$YZRmV5KRnhziJpQuB4mVCA4gn5hwhQOJZ8/vKx3YVYB Possible algorithms: sha256crypt 5, SHA256 (Unix)

hashcat -a 0 -m 7400 ck2.txt honeypot.txt

Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Exhausted
Hash.Mode........: 7400 (sha256crypt $5$, SHA256 (Unix))
Hash.Target......: ck2.txt
Time.Started.....: Tue May 21 00:20:50 2024 (2 mins, 55 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Tue May 21 00:23:45 2024 (0 secs)
Kernel.Feature...: Pure Kernel
Guess.Base.......: File (honeypot.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1.........: 524 H/s (9.85ms) @ Accel:32 Loops:256 Thr:1 Vec:8
Recovered........: 0/2 (0.00%) Digests (total), 0/2 (0.00%) Digests (new), 0/2 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 92016/92016 (100.00%)
Rejected.........: 0/92016 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 46008/46008 (100.00%)
Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:1 Amplifier:0-1 Iteration:4864-5000
Candidate.Engine.: Device Generator
Candidates.#1....: lea -> LiaoNingLT
Hardware.Mon.#1..: Temp: 69c Util: 93%

have tried but seems my list does not have the password

I have Full Dump of firmware but cannot extract Ubi volume
i acn access only root volume and header volume of squash filesystem

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Padke9 commented May 20, 2024


1563908 0x17DD04 MySQL ISAM index file Version 8
6553634 0x640022 PGP RSA encrypted session key - keyid: 801000 1F RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 1024b
7794784 0x76F060 Linux kernel version 3.18.2
7809714 0x772AB2 bix header, header size: 64 bytes, header CRC: 0x0, created: 1970-01-01 00:04:16, image size: 21747 bytes, Data Address: 0x83800000, Entry Point: 0x645F, data CRC: 0x6D617465, image name: "ise_unique"
7986672 0x79DDF0 DES SP2, little endian
7987184 0x79DFF0 DES SP1, little endian
8071596 0x7B29AC AES S-Box
8072396 0x7B2CCC AES Inverse S-Box
8073780 0x7B3234 SHA256 hash constants, little endian
8117971 0x7BDED3 Neighborly text, "NeighborReqrRep"
8118027 0x7BDF0B Neighborly text, "NeighborRepsureReq"
8118376 0x7BE068 Neighborly text, "NeighborReqActionction"
8123135 0x7BF2FF Neighborly text, "NeighborRequestHandle_ActionHandle"
8123167 0x7BF31F Neighborly text, "NeighborResponseHandlexPacketBuffer"
8779148 0x85F58C xz compressed data
8796308 0x863894 Unix path: /lib/firmware/updates/3.18.21
9056436 0x8A30B4 Unix path: /etc/Wireless/RT2860AP_AC/RT30xxEEPROM.bin
9078888 0x8A8868 Unix path: /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat
9079048 0x8A8908 Unix path: /etc/wireless/l1profile.dat
9157740 0x8BBC6C XML document, version: "1.0"
9166472 0x8BDE88 Neighborly text, "Neighbor RSP02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x), MeasureReqToken=%d"
9166932 0x8BE054 Neighborly text, "neighbor report frame"
9168375 0x8BE5F7 Neighborly text, "neighbor report response is meaninglessd "
9168581 0x8BE6C5 Neighborly text, "neighbor report frame failed"
9171197 0x8BF0FD Neighborly text, "NeighborAdvert: nextheader=0x%x, %d, %d"
9191449 0x8C4019 Neighborly text, "Neighbor Request from Peer IP = %d.%d.%d.%d, SSID = %stkd> Neighbor Response from Peer IP = %d.%d.%d.%d"
9191517 0x8C405D Neighborly text, "Neighbor Response from Peer IP = %d.%d.%d.%dcate type %d"
9193468 0x8C47FC Unix path: /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/e2p.bin
9244612 0x8D0FC4 Unix path: /sys/firmware/devicetree/base
9257260 0x8D412C Unix path: /opt/upt/apps/info/reboot_info
9257400 0x8D41B8 Unix path: /opt/upt/apps/info/reboot_source
9288484 0x8DBB24 Neighborly text, "NeighborSolicits6InDatagrams"
9288504 0x8DBB38 Neighborly text, "NeighborAdvertisementsorts"
9293838 0x8DD00E Neighborly text, "neighbor %.2x%.2x.%pM lost rename link %s to %s"
9491392 0x90D3C0 CRC32 polynomial table, little endian
9643904 0x932780 AES S-Box
9649600 0x933DC0 CRC32 polynomial table, little endian
9668858 0x9388FA Unix path: /etc/Wireless/RT2860/RT2860.dat
9669264 0x938A90 Unix path: /etc/Wireless/iNIC/iNIC_ap.dat
9669676 0x938C2C Unix path: /etc/Wireless/WIFI3/RT2870AP.dat
9670092 0x938DCC Unix path: /etc/Wireless/RT2860/RT2860_2G.dat;/etc/Wireless/RT2860/RT2860_5G.dat
9670564 0x938FA4 Unix path: /etc/Wireless/MT7615A_B0_5G.dat;/etc/Wireless/MT7615A_B1_5G.dat
9671029 0x939175 Unix path: /etc/wireless/mt7663e/mt7663e.1.dat
9671442 0x939312 Unix path: /etc/wireless/mt7663e/mt7663e.2.dat
9671838 0x93949E Unix path: /etc/Wireless/RT2860AP_AC/RT2860AP.dat
10966144 0xA75480 Flattened device tree, size: 831 bytes, version: 17

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Hello Forks! Could someone guide me in unlocking the new version

Device Name G-2425G-A
Vendor Nokia
Serial Number ALCLB2A6079B
Hardware Version 3FE48299DEAA
Boot Version U-Boot-Dec-31-2016--12:00:00
Software Version 3FE49362JJIJ54

tried with the script mentioned in the forum getting the same error


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Banaune commented May 23, 2024

@Padke9 Which device are you using? Router or Beacon?

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SymenDruid commented May 28, 2024


Thanks for your work, it's awesome!!

I've got two devices: an I-240W-A, and a G-240W-B.

I got ssh access on the G-one! But it logs me out immediately:

`[tulio@TulainasV5 G-240W-B]$ ssh -vvv admin@ OpenSSH_8.4p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1i 8 Dec 2020 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug2: resolve_canonicalize: hostname is address debug3: expanded UserKnownHostsFile '/.ssh/known_hosts' -> '/home/tulio/.ssh/known_hosts' debug3: expanded UserKnownHostsFile '/.ssh/known_hosts2' -> '/home/tulio/.ssh/known_hosts2' debug2: ssh_connect_direct debug1: Connecting to [] port 22. debug1: Connection established. debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_rsa type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_dsa type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ecdsa-cert type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk-cert type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ed25519 type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ed25519-cert type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk-cert type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_xmss type -1 debug1: identity file /home/tulio/.ssh/id_xmss-cert type -1 debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4 debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version dropbear_2016.74 debug1: no match: dropbear_2016.74 debug2: fd 3 setting O_NONBLOCK debug1: Authenticating to as 'admin' debug3: hostkeys_foreach: reading file "/home/tulio/.ssh/known_hosts" debug3: record_hostkey: found key type ECDSA in file /home/tulio/.ssh/known_hosts:41 debug3: load_hostkeys: loaded 1 keys from debug3: order_hostkeyalgs: have matching best-preference key type, using HostkeyAlgorithms verbatim debug3: send packet: type 20 debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent debug3: receive packet: type 20 debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received debug2: local client KEXINIT proposal debug2: KEX algorithms: curve25519-sha256,,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,ext-info-c debug2: host key algorithms:,,,[sk-ecdsa-sha2-.....................

Can you tell me how you managed to get the backup and restore page in the router's webUI? I have a G-240W-B as well but I can't get the cfg file. Tried changing the url, attempted all the different username/password combinations mentioned here, and even intercepted the login.cgi post request and didn't find anyway to unlock that page in the webUI.

I managed to get the root access on my G-140W-F and would like to do the same with this one. Any help is appreciated :(

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Padke9 commented Jun 3, 2024

I stoped working on Beacon
Now Router

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Padke9 commented Jun 3, 2024


here is a thing var all_nodes= { name:"all_nodes", target:0, nodes:[ { name:"<%T('Status')%>", target:0, nodes:[ { name:"<%T('Device Information')%>", target:"device_status.cgi" }, { name:"<%T('LAN Status')%>", target:"lan_status.cgi?lan" }, { name:"<%T('WAN Status')%>", target:"show_wan_status.cgi?ipv4" }, { name:"<%T('WAN Status IPv6')%>", target:"show_wan_status.cgi?ipv6" }, <% if is_hybrid then %> { name:"<%T('LTE Status')%>", target:"lte_management.cgi?status" }, <% end %> { name:"<%T('Home Networking')%>", target:"lan_status.cgi?wlan" }, { name:"<%T('DSL Statistics')%>", target:"dsl_status.cgi?dsl" }, <% if has_voice_info then %> { name:"<%T('Voice Information')%>", target:"voice_info.cgi" }, <% end %> ] }, { name:"<%T('Network')%>", target:0, nodes:[ <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('LAN')%>", target:"lan_ipv4.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('LAN_IPv6')%>", target:"lan_ipv6.cgi" }, <% end %> { name:"<%T('WAN')%>", target:"wan_config_glb.cgi" }, <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('WAN DHCP')%>", target:"wan_dhcp.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if has_wifi_24G then %> { name:"<%T('Wireless (2.4GHz)')%>", target:"wlan_config.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if has_wifi_5G then %> { name:"<%T('Wireless (5GHz)')%>", target:"wlan_config.cgi?v=11ac" }, <% end %> <% if has_wifi_24G then %> { name:"<%T('Wireless Schedule')%>", target:"wifi_schedule.cgi" }, <% end %> { name:"<%T('IP Routing')%>", target:"route.cgi" }, <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('DNS')%>", target:"dns.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if has_TR then %> { name:"<%T('TR-069')%>", target:"tr69.cgi" }, <% end %> { name:"<%T('QoS Config')%>", target:"qos.cgi" }, <% if has_mesh then %> { name:"<%T('MESH')%>", target:"mesh.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if is_hybrid then %> { name:"<%T('MPTCP Config')%>", target:"wanport_mptcp_config.cgi" }, <% end %> { name:"<%T('Vlan Binding')%>", target:"wan_config_glb.cgi?vbinding" }, ] }, { name:"<%T('Security')%>", target:0, nodes:[ <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('Firewall')%>", target:"firewall.cgi?fire" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('MAC Filter')%>", target:"macfilter.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if has_gfast_protocol then %> { name:"<%T('Service Access Control')%>", target:"protocolcfg.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('IP Filter')%>", target:"ipfilter.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('URL Filter')%>", target:"urlfilter.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('Parental Control')%>", target:"parental_control.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('DMZ and ALG')%>", target:"nat_glb.cgi?v=alg" }, <% end %> ] }, { name:"<%T('Application')%>", target:0, nodes:[ <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('Port Forwarding')%>", target:"nat_glb.cgi?v=vhost" }, <% end %> <% if has_port_trigger then %> { name:"<%T('Port Triggering')%>", target:"nat_glb.cgi?v=thost" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('DDNS')%>", target:"ddns.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('NTP')%>", target:"sntp.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if has_usb then %> { name:"<%T('USB')%>", target:"storage.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if shown_in_route then %> { name:"<%T('UPNP and DLNA')%>", target:"upnp.cgi" }, <% end %> <% if has_voice_setting then %> { name:"<%T('Voice Setting')%>", target:"voice_setting.cgi?v=cfg_line" }, <% end %> ] }, { name:"<%T('Maintenance')%>", target:0, nodes:[ { name:"<%T('Password')%>", target:"user_glb.cgi" }, { name:"<%T('Device Management')%>", target:"device_name.cgi" }, <% if is_hybrid then %> { name:"<%T('LTE management')%>", target:"lte_management.cgi" }, <% end %> { name:"<%T('Backup and Restore')%>", target:"usb.cgi?backup" }, <% if has_pse then %> { name:"<%T('Reverse Power')%>", target:"reverse_power.cgi" }, <% end %> { name:"<%T('Firmware Upgrade')%>", target:"upgrade.cgi" }, { name:"<%T('Reboot Device')%>", target:"reboot.cgi" }, { name:"<%T('Factory Default')%>", target:"restore.cgi" }, { name:"<%T('Diagnostics')%>", target:"diag.cgi?ping" }, { name:"<%T('Log')%>", target:"log.cgi" }, ] }, ] }

so You have to be an admin to restore or backup the cfg fie

you can try 192.168.x.x/usb.cgi?backup

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Padke9 commented Jun 3, 2024

<LimitAccount_ONTUSER rw="RW" t="boolean" v="true"/> <CLIPrompt ml="256" rw="RW" t="string" v=""/> <DebugDyPass. n="DyPass" t="staticObject"> <Enable rw="RW" t="boolean" v="fasle"/> <PriKey ml="256" rw="R" t="string" v="ned+vPtd724opgH7hIHoF+4da0cGg8guyqlJonlqrdOST4xztVZiRk81QjH5Ob1nA5ApNMSRdczSg6/tWYjRSdrcdIW0qqUM50ssnttq742JVBSCU9IPYyA7vvZDsj4Vat7nP8Nzo69yN1r6G78ibLVVaLVa9U+jH7JJJ1YfPZI=" ealgo="ab"/>

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Hello, im recieving an Import "Crypto.Cipher" could not be resolved error

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@Padke9 me have G-2426G-A router admin page backup location locked. please help to unlock root password link:

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Padke9 commented Jul 24, 2024


i just found this but i cant decrypt -ONTUSER

root:$1$GTMUOzhf$mjhy6wET5re92IB4KHqXz.:0:0:99999:7::: --------------pass: LA(ImvZx%8


<Password ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="/7gLS1GVEOV6CH6F5sfXx6YH0ZOGNiRMRg==" ealgo="sab
<TelnetPassword ml="256" rw="RW" t="string" v="/5pRT3y/bKs7NPPBQDg3A5IXoRjkQVVa8Q=="

<DebugDyPass. n="DyPass" t="staticObject">

<PriKey ml="256" rw="R" t="string" v="/9V0FWUXFGBWWBtSAOXfXAxHkfN9crFgNgCkvuL0UAqnawF/RUgAry3AsVTFpUrOyUIcHsIInz73p8Q8HnijRALZrp6BcEaAe6lJ5Sw3khd4hy2hJ2Hhfea9Y8cVpUcI3Te/XQXxYQCBt3F+44Y1PD97QKju8PwUd1qPK7+7ArgoHZSkxRdNPWs=" ealgo="sab

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