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Last active February 21, 2021 18:14
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import std.stdio, std.parallelism, std.range, std.algorithm;
enum L = 12;
struct V {int x,y;}
int optLen(int seed) {
int[32*32] field;
V[4] vecs = [V(1,0), V(0,-1), V(-1,0), V(0,1)];
V[L] path;
int fld(V p) { return field[p.y*32+p.x]; }
void set(V p, int v) { field[p.y*32+p.x] = v; }
V step(V p, int ang) {
auto v = vecs[ang & 3];
return V(p.x+v.x, p.y+v.y);
int[L] dna;
foreach(i; 0..L) {
if (seed & (1 << i)) dna[i] = 2;
else dna[i] = 1;
int cpn() {
int n = 0;
foreach(p; path) {
if (fld(p)==1) {
if (fld(V(p.x+1, p.y))==1) n++;
if (fld(V(p.x, p.y+1))==1) n++;
return n;
int maxcpn = 0;
void draw(int n, V p, int angle) {
if (fld(p) != 0) return; // busy cell
set(p, dna[n]);
path[n] = p;
if (n==L-1) { // all drawn
auto cp = cpn();
if (cp > maxcpn)
maxcpn = cp;
set(p, 0);
draw(n+1, step(p, angle), angle);
draw(n+1, step(p, angle-1), (angle-1)&3);
draw(n+1, step(p, angle+1), (angle+1)&3);
set(p, 0);
auto p0 = V(16,16);
set(p0, dna[0]); path[0] = p0;
draw(1, V(17,16), 0);
return maxcpn;
void main() {
auto lens = iota(1<<L).map!optLen;
// L=13 1-thread parallel ; L=14 parallel
// Intel Core i7 2.6 GHz 20.0 4.06 ; 22.02
// M1 running x86_64 15.65 3.15 ; 18.06
// M1 running arm64 11.84 2.44 ; 13.7
// time in seconds
//L=15 Intel parallel: 138.770351 sec
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