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Created February 24, 2021 23:38
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import Text.Read
import Data.Foldable
sampleData =
["10", "20", "30"],
["0", "1", "aa", "2"],
["0", "eheh", "1", "bb", "2"],
["2", "really", "bad"],
["3", "4", "5"]
main = processData sampleData
processData grid =
let res = grid |> parseGrid |> fixGrid |> addOne
in do printMatrix res
explainFixes res
explainBeyondRepair res
(|>) x f = f x -- our pipeline operator
-- types for reporting errors for single elements of the grid
type Position = (Int, Int)
data Err = Err {
position :: Position,
message :: String
} deriving Show
parseElement :: String -> Position -> Either Err Double
parseElement str pos = case readMaybe str of
Just x -> Right x
Nothing -> Left (Err pos str)
coords :: [[Position]]
coords = [[(i,j) | j <-[1..]] | i <- [1..]]
parseGrid grid = zipWith (zipWith parseElement) grid coords
-- unrec error or (row of numbers, list of remarks)
fixLine :: [Either Err Double] -> Either String ([Double], [String])
fixLine row = case row of
Right a : Left e : Right b : rest -> do
let v = (a+b)/2
let newMsg = "Fixed a value at " ++ show (position e)
(goodRest, messages) <- fixLine (Right v : Right b : rest)
return (a : goodRest, newMsg : messages)
Right _ : Left e : Left _ : rest -> Left ("Unrecoverable at " ++ show (position e))
Right a : Right b : rest -> do
(goodRest, messages) <- fixLine (Right b : rest)
return (a : goodRest, messages)
Right a : [] -> Right ([a], [])
Left e : rest -> Left ("Unrecoverable at " ++ show (position e))
data Res = Res { -- result of the whole computation
ok :: Bool, -- successful?
matr :: [[Double]], -- the matrix of numbers
remarks :: [String]
} deriving Show
fixGrid :: [[Either Err Double]] -> Res
fixGrid grid = loop ([], []) grid where
loop (matrix, messages) rows = case rows of
[] -> Res True (reverse matrix) (reverse messages)
row : rest -> case fixLine row of
Right (xs, msgs) -> loop (xs : matrix, msgs ++ messages) rest
Left msg -> Res False (reverse matrix) (msg : reverse messages)
addOne :: Res -> Res
addOne (Res o m r) = Res o (map (map (+ 1.0)) m) r
printMatrix :: Res -> IO ()
printMatrix (Res _ matrix _) = forM_ matrix (putStrLn . show)
explainFixes :: Res -> IO ()
explainFixes (Res ok _ messages) =
-- if !ok the first msg is about beyond repair, skip it here
let msgs = if ok then messages else drop 1 messages
in forM_ msgs putStrLn
explainBeyondRepair :: Res -> IO ()
explainBeyondRepair (Res ok _ messages) =
if ok then return () else putStrLn ("Why failed: " ++ head messages)
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