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butaud /
Last active November 3, 2022 03:57
useQuery semantics

useQuery semantics

On my team, we've had some confusion lately about the behavior of useQuery and how the fetchPolicy parameter influences it. Looking back through the Apollo documentation, I think it just doesn't do a very good job of explaining some of these subtleties, but the behavior itself is logical once you have the right mental model of what the hook is supposed to do.

useQuery is a description, not an operation

Some of the confusion around useQuery's behavior comes from thinking of it as an operation, something that you call to execute a specific query. But this isn't the right way to think about it - instead, you should think of it as a way to tell Apollo that a particular instance of a component is associated with a particular query. Apollo will, of course, fetch the query data and provide the results to the component, but the timing and frequency of the actual fetch depends on the lifecycle of the component, not on the number of times useQuery is called during render passes.

If this se

vinkla /
Last active September 15, 2024 17:40

Upload images to GitHub

  1. Create a new issue on GitHub.

  2. Drag an image into the comment field.

  3. Wait for the upload process to finish.

  4. Copy the URL and use it in your Markdown files on GitHub.

airportyh /
Last active June 19, 2017 20:51
JSConf 2014 Slides, Codes and Notes.

JSConf Slides, Codes and Notes

These are all the JSConf 2014 slides, codes, and notes I was able to cull together from twitter. Thanks to the speakers who posted them and thanks to @chantastic for posting his wonderful notes.

Modular frontend with NPM - Jake Verbaten (@Raynos)

machty /
Last active July 10, 2024 15:14
Guide to the Router Facelift

Ember Router Async Facelift

The Ember router is getting number of enhancements that will greatly enhance its power, reliability, predictability, and ability to handle asynchronous loading logic (so many abilities), particularly when used in conjunction with promises, though the API is friendly enough that a deep understanding of promises is not required for the simpler use cases.

piscisaureus /
Created August 13, 2012 16:12
Checkout github pull requests locally

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url =

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this: