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Created February 26, 2024 19:29
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PHP/Laravel Live snippets for VSCode
"Create public function": {
"prefix": "pubf",
"body": [
"public function $1()",
"description": "Create public function"
"Create private function": {
"prefix": "prif",
"body": [
"private function $1()",
"description": "Create private function"
"Create protected function": {
"prefix": "prof",
"body": [
"protected function $1()",
"description": "Create protected function"
"Create public static function": {
"prefix": "pubsf",
"body": [
"public static function $1()",
"description": "Create public static function"
"Create private static function": {
"prefix": "prif",
"body": [
"private static function $1()",
"description": "Create private static function"
"Create protected static function": {
"prefix": "prof",
"body": [
"protected static function $1()",
"description": "Create protected static function"
"Create public function with belongsTo": {
"prefix": "belongs",
"body": [
"public function $1()",
"\treturn \\$this->belongsTo($2::class);",
"description": "Create public function with belongsTo"
"Create public function with has many": {
"prefix": "hasm",
"body": [
"public function $1()",
"\treturn \\$this->hasMany($2::class);",
"description": "Create public function with has many"
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this is for creating $fillable array in Laravel modal

	"Create protected $fillable": {
		"prefix": "fillable",
		"body": [
			"protected \\$fillable = [",
			"\t'$1', '$2', '$3', '$4',",
		"description": "Create protected $fillable array"

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"Create protected $guarded": {
"prefix": "guarded",
"body": [
"protected \$guarded= [""];"
"description": "Create protected $guarded array"

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Caught some bugs in the snippets above..
line 43: prisf instead of prif (prif is already in use for private functions)..
line 53: prosf instead of prof (prof is already in use for protected functions)..

Hopefully this was helpful..

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  " Route structure ": {
	"prefix": "rt",
	"body": [
		"Route::${1|get,post,put,patch,delete,head,options|}('/$2',[${3:Controller Name}::class,'${4:Method Name}'])${5:->name('$6')};",
	"description": "Create Route "

"React component": {
"prefix": "rfc",
"body": [
"export default function $1(){",
" return (",
" $2",
" );",
"description": "React functional component"

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"function with Request ": {
"prefix": "fr",
"body": [
"function ${1:ফাংশনের নাম লেখ}(${2|Request $request|}){",
" return $3;",
"description": "create controller function"

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