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Created December 28, 2009 20:06
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" Change tabs to 2 spaces
:retab 2
" Wrap the margin at 80 chars
:set wrapmargin=80
" Show non-printable characters in Vim
:set list
" Interactive search and replace
" : Enter command mode
" % Perform command on all lines
" s :substitute
" /\<foo\>/ Match whole word foo
" /bar/ Replace with bar
" g Do this global (not just current line)
" c Confirm each change
" Remove spaces and tabs from end of line
" Copy and paste from one file to another
" v Enter visual mode in foo.txt
" y Yank text from foo.txt
" :split bar.txt Open bar.txt in a split window
" p Paste text
" Finding a procedure `foo` in a C program
ctags *.c
vim -t foo
" Jumping to procedure `bar` under cursor
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