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Created August 9, 2022 20:05
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Slice of Life slackbot. Prompts twice a day for everyone in the channel to post a picture.
// Set the Incoming webhook URL in the Script Properties key-value store
// give it the key name "slack_url"
// Set a time-based Trigger of the 'DelayedTrigger' function. Have it trigger at 0800 in the desired timezone
// The script will post 2 messages:
// One between between 8am and 3pm
// The other between 3pm and 10pm
function DelayedTrigger() {
// for readability
var minutes = 60 * 1000
// There are 840 minutes between 8am and 10pm
var morningDelay = randomInteger(1,420)
var eveningDelay = randomInteger(421,840)
const now = new Date()
var morningAlertTime = new Date(now.getTime() + (morningDelay * minutes))
var eveningAlertTime = new Date(now.getTime() + (eveningDelay * minutes))
Logger.log("morningDelay=" + morningDelay)
Logger.log("morning alert " + Utilities.formatDate(morningAlertTime,"CST", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
Logger.log("eveningDelay=" + eveningDelay)
Logger.log("evening alert " + Utilities.formatDate(eveningAlertTime,"CST", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
// create morning and evening triggers
.after(morningDelay * minutes)
.after(eveningDelay * minutes)
function RandomAlert() {
var randomMessage = {
'username': 'slice-of-life-bot',
'icon_emoji': ':camera:',
'channel': '#slice-of-life',
'text': 'Time to post a picture! Just whatever is around you. Mundane snapshots of life welcome. @here'
// get URL from Script Properties key-value store
var slack_url = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('slack_url')
// set the HTTP options, including the JSON payload
var options = {
'method' : 'post',
'payload' : randomMessage,
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify(randomMessage)
// send the payload
UrlFetchApp.fetch(slack_url, options);
// function to generate a random integer between 'min' and 'max'
function randomInteger(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
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