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Last active April 12, 2023 20:16
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Cheap IP camera video converter

install nodejs 12

run with node app.js cameraRootDir

Almost works with Blitzwolf BW-SHC2 (no audio for me).

Not tested on windows, but probably changing the ffmpeg in the first two function-returns to something like ffmpeg.exe will make this work.

The script will recursively walk on every sudir, group the files ased on parent dir, checks if the parentdir is an epoch_something or not. In the correctly named dirs will convert the *.media files to .mp4 (fileConverterCommand function), and concat them to one video (with fileConcatCommand).

Use it for your own risk!

Ideas are welcome!

ffmpeg installed on my mac with;

brew uninstall ffmpeg
brew tap homebrew-ffmpeg/ffmpeg
brew install amiaopensource/amiaos/decklinksdk
brew install homebrew-ffmpeg/ffmpeg/ffmpeg $(brew options homebrew-ffmpeg/ffmpeg/ffmpeg | grep -vE '\s' | grep -- '--with-' | grep -vi chromaprint | grep -vi game-music-emu | tr '\n' ' ')

Based on this conversation.

const { resolve } = require('path');
const { readdir } = require('fs').promises;
const { unlink } = require('fs').promises;
const path = require('path');
const { exec } = require("child_process");
function fileConverterCommand(file) {
return `ffmpeg -i "${file}" -acodec mp3 "${file}.mp4"`
function fileConcatCommand(files, outputFile) {
const inputs = files.join("|")
return `ffmpeg -i "concat:${inputs}" -c copy ${outputFile}`
const dir = process.argv[2] || "."
async function main() {
const files = await getFiles(dir);
const wParents = => {return {
file: f,
parentDir: path.basename(path.dirname(f))
const onlyTSDirs = wParents.filter(d => splitDirNameToTs(d.parentDir)).map(d => {return {
file: d.file,
fname: path.basename(d.file),
date: splitDirNameToTs(d.parentDir),
const grupped = groupBy(onlyTSDirs, "date")
await mapAllSettled(Object.values(grupped), arr => convertDir(arr), 2)
function splitDirNameToTs(dirName) {
return (new Date(dirName.split("_")[0] * 1000))
} catch {
return null;
async function convertDir(arr) {
const farr = arr.filter(e => {
return !Number.isInteger(e.fname.split(".")[0]) && e.fname!==".info"
} catch (e) {
return false
farr.sort(function(a, b) {
return Number(a.fname.split(".")[0]) - Number(b.fname.split(".")[0]);
try {
await mapAllSettled(farr, async d => {
const out = await execPromise(fileConverterCommand(d.file))
console.log(`converted ${d.file}`)
}, 10)
} catch (e) {
const outputFile = dir+"/clip_" + arr[0].date.toISOString().replace("T", "_").replace(".000Z", "") + ".mp4"
await execPromise(fileConcatCommand( => `${d.file}.mp4`), outputFile))
await Promise.all( d => await unlink(`${d.file}.mp4`)))
console.log(`created ${outputFile}`)
function groupBy(array, keyOrIterator) {
var iterator, key;
// use the function passed in, or create one
if(typeof key !== 'function') {
key = String(keyOrIterator);
iterator = function (item) { return item[key]; };
} else {
iterator = keyOrIterator;
return array.reduce(function (memo, item) {
var key = iterator(item);
memo[key] = memo[key] || [];
return memo;
}, {});
async function execPromise(cmd) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
exec(cmd, function(err, stdout) {
if (err) return reject(err);
async function getFiles(dir) {
const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
const files = await Promise.all( => {
const res = resolve(dir,;
return dirent.isDirectory() ? getFiles(res) : res;
return Array.prototype.concat(...files);
const { promisify } = require('util')
const { setImmediate } = require('timers')
const setImmediateP = promisify(setImmediate)
async function mapItem(mapFn, currentValue, index, array) {
try {
await setImmediateP()
return {
status: 'fulfilled',
value: await mapFn(currentValue, index, array)
} catch (reason) {
return {
status: 'rejected',
async function worker(id, gen, mapFn, result) {
//console.time(`Worker ${id}`)
for (let [ currentValue, index, array ] of gen) {
//console.time(`Worker ${id} --- index ${index} item ${currentValue}`)
result[index] = await mapItem(mapFn, currentValue, index, array)
//console.timeEnd(`Worker ${id} --- index ${index} item ${currentValue}`)
//console.timeEnd(`Worker ${id}`)
function* arrayGenerator(array) {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
const currentValue = array[index]
yield [ currentValue, index, array ]
async function mapAllSettled(arr, mapFn, limit = arr.length) {
const result = []
if (arr.length === 0) {
return result
const gen = arrayGenerator(arr)
limit = Math.min(limit, arr.length)
const workers = new Array(limit)
for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
workers.push(worker(i, gen, mapFn, result))
//console.log(`Initialized ${limit} workers`)
await Promise.all(workers)
return result
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