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Created June 12, 2019 09:54
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-- Find Similar Contents.
-- Created by Christian Grunenberg on Thu Feb 10 2005.
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2014. All rights reserved.
-- Limit for more or less identical contents (0.0: no similarity, 1.0: almost identical)
property pLimit : 0.9
-- Max. number of similar results to display
property pMaxResults : 10
tell application id "DNtp"
set this_selection to the selection
if this_selection is {} then error "Please select some contents."
show progress indicator "Finding Similar Contents..." steps (my countContents(this_selection))
my compareContents(this_selection)
hide progress indicator
on error error_message number error_number
hide progress indicator
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
end try
end tell
on countContents(theseRecords)
local this_record, this_count
tell application id "DNtp"
set this_count to count of theseRecords
repeat with this_record in theseRecords
if type of this_record is group then set this_count to this_count + (my countContents(children of this_record))
end repeat
end tell
return this_count
end countContents
on filename_of_record(the_record)
set the_filename to false
tell application id "DNtp"
set the_filename to ((location of the_record) & (name of the_record))
end tell
return the_filename
end filename_of_record
on records_to_filenames(the_records)
set the_filenames to {}
tell application id "DNtp"
repeat with this_record in the_records
copy my filename_of_record(this_record) to the end of the the_filenames
end repeat
end tell
return the_filenames
end records_to_filenames
on find_record_by_filename(the_filename, the_records)
set found_record to false
tell application id "DNtp"
repeat with this_record in the_records
set this_filename to my filename_of_record(this_record)
considering case
if this_filename = (the_filename as string) then
set found_record to this_record
exit repeat
end if
end considering
end repeat
end tell
return found_record
end find_record_by_filename
on compareContents(theseRecords)
local i, this_record, this_button, this_result, this_message, this_url, this_title
tell application id "DNtp"
repeat with this_record in theseRecords
step progress indicator (name of this_record as string)
if type of this_record is not group then
set theComparison to compare record this_record
if (count of theComparison) > 1 then
set i to 0
set similar_records to {}
set this_message to ""
repeat with this_result in theComparison
if id of this_result is not id of this_record then
if (score of this_result) < pLimit then exit repeat
if i pMaxResults then
set this_message to this_message & my filename_of_record(this_result)
copy this_result to the end of similar_records
set this_url to URL of this_result
if this_url is not "" and this_url begins with "http" then
set this_message to this_message & " (" & this_url & ")" & return
set this_message to this_message & return
end if
end if
set i to i + 1
end if
end repeat
if i > 0 then
set this_message to "Found " & (i as string) & " similar result(s):" & return & return & this_message
if i > pMaxResults then set this_message to this_message & return & "..."
set this_title to my filename_of_record(this_record)
set this_url to URL of this_record
if this_url is not "" and this_url begins with "http" then set this_title to this_title & " (" & this_url & ")" & return
display alert this_title message this_message as warning buttons {"Cancel", "Skip", "Choose files to delete"} default button 3
set this_button to the button returned of the result
if this_button is equal to "Choose files to delete" then
copy this_record to the end of similar_records
set similar_files to my records_to_filenames(similar_records)
choose from list similar_files with prompt "Choose files to delete:" with multiple selections allowed
if the result is not false then
repeat with the_filename in result
set found_record to my find_record_by_filename(the_filename, similar_records)
if found_record is not false then
delete record found_record
display alert "record not found: " & return & the_filename
end if
end repeat
end if
else if this_button is equal to "Cancel" then
return false
end if
end if
end if
on error msg number num
if num is -128 then return false
end try
else if not my compareContents(children of this_record) then
return false
end if
end repeat
end tell
return true
end compareContents
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