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Last active June 28, 2024 12:08
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  • Save tetratorus/7f5819fe03f100884bfe262abef91c7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tetratorus/7f5819fe03f100884bfe262abef91c7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "sourcePath=%1"
set "outputFile=CombinedCSVs.csv"
set "logFile=CombineCSVs_log.txt"
set "tempFile=temp.csv"
rem Clear existing log file
echo Combine CSV Files Log > "%logFile%"
echo Started at %date% %time% >> "%logFile%"
if not exist "%sourcePath%" (
echo Error: Source directory does not exist.
echo Error: Source directory does not exist. >> "%logFile%"
goto :eof
echo Processing CSV files...
echo Processing CSV files... >> "%logFile%"
rem Count total number of CSV files
set /a totalFiles=0
for /r "%sourcePath%" %%F in (*.csv) do set /a totalFiles+=1
echo Found %totalFiles% CSV files to process.
echo Found %totalFiles% CSV files to process. >> "%logFile%"
rem Write headers from the first CSV file
set /a processedFiles=0
for /r "%sourcePath%" %%F in (*.csv) do (
set "firstFile=%%F"
goto :writeHeaders
if defined firstFile (
echo Writing headers from %firstFile%
echo Writing headers from %firstFile% >> "%logFile%"
copy "!firstFile!" "%outputFile%" > nul
set /a processedFiles+=1
) else (
echo No CSV files found.
echo No CSV files found. >> "%logFile%"
goto :eof
rem Append data from all CSV files (skipping headers)
for /r "%sourcePath%" %%F in (*.csv) do (
if not "%%F"=="!firstFile!" (
echo Processing %%F
echo Processing %%F >> "%logFile%"
rem Use findstr to skip the header and append to temp file
findstr /v /b /c:"" "%%F" >> "%tempFile%"
set /a processedFiles+=1
echo Processed !processedFiles! out of %totalFiles% files.
rem Append temp file to output file and delete temp file
type "%tempFile%" >> "%outputFile%"
del "%tempFile%"
echo All CSV files processed.
echo All CSV files processed. >> "%logFile%"
echo CSV files combined into %outputFile%
echo CSV files combined into %outputFile% >> "%logFile%"
echo Finished at %date% %time% >> "%logFile%"
echo Process completed. Check %logFile% for details.
echo Press any key to exit...
pause > nul
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