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Created April 24, 2016 08:49
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'use strict';
import template from './highlightable.html!text';
import controller from './highlightable.controller';
import './highlightable.css!';
// use: <div highlightable hightlight="<scope guard variable>">content</div>
let highlightableComponent = function() {
return {
transclude: true,
replace: true,
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
highlight: "=",
restoration: "&hlRestore",
hlRoot: "@",
hlId: "@",
hlClassname: "@"
// controllerAs: 'HighlightableCtrl',
// bindToController: true,
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
// Needs to use this workaround in order to wait for the directive content is fully loaded
window.setTimeout(() => {
let restoreItems = scope.restoration();
ctrl.restoreSelections(undefined, restoreItems);
}, 0);
() => {
// console.log(`scope.highlight: ${scope.highlight}`);
return scope.highlight; // from <div highlightable highlight='model'
(value, oldVal) => {
if (!ctrl.firstFire) {
ctrl.toggleHighlight(); // in controller
ctrl.firstFire = !ctrl.firstFire;
export default highlightableComponent;
'use strict';
import rangy from 'rangy';
import 'rangy/rangy-classapplier';
import 'rangy/rangy-highlighter';
import 'rangy/rangy-textrange';
import 'rangy/rangy-serializer';
class HighlightableController {
constructor($rootScope, $scope) {
this.rand = Math.random();
this._$scope = $scope;
this._$rootScope = $rootScope; = 'highlightable';
this._$ = 'Highlightable';
this.highlighter = null;
this.cssApplier = null;
this.highlightClassName = "highlight-text";
this.firstFire = true;
this._$scope.loadRangyHighlight = this.loadRangyHighlight;
this._$scope.toggleHighlight = this.toggleHighlight;
// this._$scope.colored = false;
this._topElem = document.getElementById('block-container');
* Initialize rangy highlighter with the text range and the class to highlight
* @return
loadRangyHighlight() {
this.cssApplier = rangy.createClassApplier(this.highlightClassName, {
normalize: true
this.highlighter = rangy.createHighlighter(document, "TextRange");
* Highlight, dehighlight the selection.
* Broadcast the 'rangy.text.highlighted' event
toggleHighlight() {
let selText = rangy.getSelection();
let checksum = true; // false, actually, calculates the checksum!!!
let serialized = rangy.serializeSelection(selText, checksum, this._topElem);
this._$rootScope.$broadcast('rangy.text.highlighted', serialized, this._$scope.hlId);// selText);
selText.removeAllRanges(); // remove selection mark; keeps the highlight
restoreSelections(ev, sels) {
let deserializedSel, canBeDeserialized;
sels.forEach(sel => {
canBeDeserialized = rangy.canDeserializeSelection(sel.v, this._topElem);
deserializedSel = rangy.deserializeSelection(sel.v, this._topElem);
HighlightableController.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope'];
export default HighlightableController;
'use strict';
import angular from 'angular';
import 'angular-ui-router';
import highlightableComponent from './highlightable.component';
import HighlightableCtrl from './highlightable.controller';
import {factory} from '../../common/helper';
let highlightableModule = angular.module('highlightable', [
highlightableModule.controller('HighlightableCtrl', HighlightableCtrl);
highlightableModule.directive('highlightable', highlightableComponent);
export default highlightableModule;
<div class="container" ng-transclude></div>
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