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alina sireneva teidesu

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teidesu / no-svelte.user.js
Last active August 10, 2024 16:31
all my homies hate svelte
// ==UserScript==
// @name no svelte
// @description all my homies hate svelte
// @namespace teidesu
// @match *://*/*
// @grant window.close
// @grant GM_addElement
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
teidesu / Open TikTok App.user.js
Created March 30, 2024 10:09
userscript for ios to open modded tiktok through deeplinks. requires
// ==UserScript==
// @name Open TikTok App
// @version 1.0.0
// @author teidesu
// @match *://**
// ==/UserScript==
let m = window.location.pathname.match(/^\/@[^\/]+\/video\/(\d+)/)
if (m !== null) {
window.location.href = `snssdk1233://aweme/detail/${m[1]}`;
teidesu / _nginx-web-auth
Last active June 8, 2023 19:00
web-based password protection, in pure nginx, with php support
dummy file for gist title
teidesu / baza76.js
Created October 17, 2022 15:25
hex и base64? нет, блин, НЁХ и БАЗА76
// не бейте за кринж код, писала на коленке по фану
const HEX_ALPHABET = '0123456789абвгде'
const B76_ALPHABET =
function toНёх(buf) {
let ret = ''
for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
const byte = buf[i]
teidesu / mosru-ege-check.js
Created June 14, 2022 21:25
idk why i made this. this checks ege (use) results via
const _got = require('got')
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
// cookie хедер с
const COOKIE = ''
// код регистрации
const REG_CODE = '1234-5678-9012'
// номер документа без серии
const DOC_NUM = '123456'
teidesu / prefixed-localstorage.js
Last active September 23, 2022 12:18
Proxy for localStorage that prefixes all keys.
const prefix = 'prefix_'
const rawLS = window.localStorage
const wrappedLS = new Proxy(rawLS, {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (typeof target[prop] === 'function') {
return function(key, value) {
return target[prop](prefix + key, value)
teidesu / drklo-emoji-ripper.js
Created June 22, 2021 13:12
Utility to rip emojis and generate sprite sheets and meta information for them.
* Emoji sprite and data generator.
* Data is taken from and name->char index is generated.
* Sprite generator works by parsing some of the code in DrKLO/Telegram (Telegram for Android)
* and downloading emoji files contained there, while generating code and sprite.
* Can easily be modified to generate JSON instead of CSS or to download from some other source.
* Can also be easily ported to TypeScript
teidesu /
Created June 22, 2021 13:12
Kawaii material circular progress for android. preview:
package desu.player.views;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
teidesu / success-race.js
Created June 22, 2021 13:11
Promise.race but error-tolerant
* Similar to Promise.race(), but resolves once one of the promises
* resolve to a successful value and didn't throw error.
* A promise result is considered `successful` when
* check(result) resolves to a truthy value.
* When all promises resulted with unsuccessful values, `null` is returned,
* otherwise result of first successful one is returned
teidesu / torrent-to-magnet.js
Created June 22, 2021 13:11
Simple NodeJS function to convert .torrent files to magnet URIs
// This file is licensed under LGPLv3
// (c) teidesu 2020
const qs = require('querystring')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const bencode = require('./bencode')
function convert (file) {
const data = bencode.decode(f)