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Last active December 18, 2015 04:39
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command line aliases for dizzle & hipster
gem install ffaker
alias dizzle="ruby -e \"require 'ffaker'; puts Faker::DizzleIpsum.paragraph\" | tee >(pbcopy)"
alias hipster="ruby -e \"require 'ffaker'; puts Faker::HipsterIpsum.paragraph\" | tee >(pbcopy)"
$ dizzle
You talk too much like every single day Long Beach fo shizzle used to sell loot Coupe de Ville.
Real deal holyfield tha dizzle with my mind on my money fo shizzle. Real deal holyfield Mr. Buckwort
may I put ya choppers up realness the S oh yes eighty degrees make a few ends televizzle. Waddup
televizzle gizzo for the Gs.
$ hipster
Scenester mlkshk Rerry Richardson VHS skateboard irony food truck squid. Chambray skateboard raw
denim jean shorts Carles. 8-bit blog moon mlkshk. Photo booth sartorial iPhone next level fixie.
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sferik commented Jun 8, 2013

Pipe to pbcopy for great justice.

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| tee >(pbcopy) both copies the output and outputs it. tee FTW

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