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Last active September 5, 2018 11:53
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Howdy folks,
I am thrilled to welcome you to the Happiness Trap 8-week online program. The program is designed to help you build a rich, full and meaningful life that you&rsquo;ll love. Before we get started, I just want to share some quick tips
with you to make your learning experience as stress-free as possible.
<a class='light-button' href="/courses" target="_blank">BEGIN YOUR COURSE</a>
<h2 class="tips"> Tips to Get You Started </h2>
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<h3>The Forum</h3>
You&rsquo;ll notice that you have access to a page called &lsquo;Forum&rsquo; - this is an interactive forum where you can share your experiences with not only your peers, but also The Happiness Trap faculty. Feel free to
post on there any time of the day or night, and one of our team members will respond to you within a few hours. Just one request from me: please do not post anything about technical difficulties or administration queries in the
forum. Kindly read the
&lsquo;customer service&rsquo; section below for information on where to direct those types of queries.
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<h3> The Library </h3>
By clicking on the &lsquo;library&rsquo; page, you will find all of the supplementary audio and text resources for the program. Keep checking the library because new material will be uploaded each week.
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<div class="content">
<h3> Dig Deeper </h3>
As you move through the program, you will see prompts to &lsquo;dig deeper&rsquo; and it is here that you can find out more about a particular topic, should you wish to. It is not essential that you &lsquo;dig deeper&rsquo;,
it is just an opportunity for you to learn even more and get more bang for your buck!
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<div class="content">
<h3> Customer Service </h3>
As mentioned, if you have any administration queries or technical difficulties, please direct them to our customer service team. You can contact customer services via the clickable blue button that is located at the
bottom-right of your screen.
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<h3> Course Time </h3>
Finally, to make your whole course as easy as we can, we have added an indication of how long each module will take to do. Keep in mind everyone is different, some people like to press pause and ponder or practice - and
others like to get through the content as quickly as they can. The length of the module includes the video and audio content, but doesn&rsquo;t allow for time taken to read written materials, or for taking notes.
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