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Created March 19, 2021 23:37
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SHAPEIT4.1.3 chromosome X failure
* Author : Olivier DELANEAU, University of Lausanne
* Contact :
* Version : 4.1.2
* Run date : 19/03/2021 - 18:30:15
* Input VCF : [CCDG_13607_B01_GRM_WGS_2019-02-19_chrX.recalibrated_variants.vcf.gz]
* Genetic Map : [chrX.b38.gmap.gz]
* Output VCF : [phased_1kgp_gatk_chrX.vcf.gz]
* Output LOG : [gatk_shapeit413_chrX.txt]
* Seed : 15052011
* Threads : 96 threads
* MCMC : 15 iterations [5b + 1p + 1b + 1p + 1b + 1p + 5m]
* PBWT : Depth of PBWT neighbours to condition on: 4
* PBWT : Store indexes at variants [MAC>=2 / MDR<=0.5 / Dist=0.0005 cM]
* HMM : K is variable / min W is 2.50cM / Ne is 15000
* HMM : Recombination rates given by genetic map
* HMM : AVX2 optimization active
* IBD2 : length>=3.00cM [N>=10000 / MAF>=0.000 / MDR<=0.500]
* VCF/BCF scanning [N=2504 / L=4551358 / Reg=chrX] (5366.06s)
* VCF/BCF parsing [Hom=98.2% / Het=1.0% / Mis=0.8%] (5603.05s)
* GMAP parsing [n=89236] (0.09s)
* cM interpolation [s=86432 / i=4464926] (0.37s)
* PBWT indexing [l=229920] (0.31s)
* HAP update (88.75s)
* H2V transpose (58.95s)
* IBD2 constraints [#inds=2 / #pairs=2] (192.88s)
* PBWT phase sweep (670.83s)
* Build genotype graphs [seg=39202378] (3.70s)
Burn-in iteration [1/5]
* V2H transpose (32.31s)
* PBWT selection (105.06s)
* C2H transpose (23.64s)
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