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Last active February 5, 2017 22:54
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User Stories and Acceptance Criteria Patterns

The aim of this gist is to provide samples of common patterns of User Stories and Acceptance Criteria.

I am creating this because I am NOT an expert and don't have much experience writing user stories and acceptance criteria and I've found surpisingly few clear and complete examples online (not saying they aren't there, just that I haven't found them). Furthermore, as I practice writing them I'm finding that they tend to follow patterns and rather than write a whole set of stories and criteria from scratch, I'd much rather grab a template with most of the pattern filled in for me (the 1000 hour head start).

Example One: Contact Us form

In this example, a user is shown a form that they can fill in to contact the site owner. Besides the common fields, the form includes a captcha and the ability to upload a photo.

User Stories

As a site visitor with no special privileges I can fill in a form with my personal contact information and my query so that the site owner can hear from me without having to reveal a specific email address.

Although this is a big user story the acceptance criteria, I believe, should focus on the benefit ("so that" section). Here's my attempt at acceptance criteria:

Given the user is looking at the contact us form, when the form is displayed, then the site owner's email address is not displayed anywhere on the page, not even in the source code.

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