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Created November 13, 2020 00:29
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Office 365 license management
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
# Connect first
# Connect-AzureAD
function Get-LicencesforUser
# $user should be populated with
# $user = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId
$ret = @()
$currentLicences = $user | select -ExpandProperty AssignedLicenses
foreach ($currentLicense in $currentLicences) {
$ret += ($licenses | where { $_.skuId -eq $currentLicense.SkuID }).SkuPartNumber
return $ret
# Find the SKU of the ATP license and create an object that can be applied
$licenses = Get-AzureADSubscribedSku
$atp = $licenses | where { $_.skuPartNumber -eq 'ATP_ENTERPRISE' }
$atpLicense = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense
$atpLicense.SkuId = $atp.SkuId
$licensesToAssign = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses
$licensesToAssign.AddLicenses = $atpLicense
#Show License on User - example
#$user = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId
#Get-LicencesforUser -user $user
$allActiveUsers = Get-AzureADUser -All $true | where { $_.AccountEnabled -eq $true -and $_.immutableid -ne $null }
#Get SkuID for Office E2
$e2sku = ($licenses | where { $_.skuPartNumber -eq 'STANDARDWOFFPACK' }).SkuID
$e5secsku = ($licenses | where { $_.skuPartNumber -eq 'IDENTITY_THREAT_PROTECTION' }).SkuID
$count = 0
foreach ($activeUser in $allActiveUsers) {
$currentLicences = $activeUser| select -ExpandProperty AssignedLicenses
if (!($currentLicences | where { $_.skuid -contains $e2sku })) {
write-host "User $($activeUser.UserprincipalName) has no E2"
if ($currentLicences | where { $_.skuid -contains $atp.SkuID }) {
write-host "User $($activeUser.UserprincipalName) already has an ATP License"
if ($currentLicences | where { $_.skuid -contains $e5secsku }) {
write-host "User $($activeUser.UserprincipalName) already has an E5 Sec License"
write-host "Now applying ATP to $($activeUser.UserprincipalName)"
$count += 1
# Set-AzureADUserLicense -ObjectId $activeUser.ObjectId -AssignedLicenses $licensesToAssign
write-host "Applied $count licences"
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