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Ida Pro Winlicense IAT Checker
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Just run from Ida Pro
If it dosent jump to Code after execution.It didnt work.
import idc
import idaapi
sEA = 0x0000000140001000
eEA = sEA + 0x1
ea = GetEntryPoint(1)
ea2 = MaxEA
idc.LoadDebugger("windbg", 1)
LoadDebugger("windbg", 1)
AddBptEx(0x0000000140001000, 0x1, BPT_BRK)
path = GetInputFilePath()
args = ''
sdir = ''
StartDebugger(path, args, sdir)
analyze_area(sEA, eEA)
print "##################################################\n" \
" What just HAppend your asked ? \n" \
" While you blinked. \n" \
" IDA Python did the work for you \n" \
" \n" \
" WinLicense Easy settings checker \n" \
"#############################################\n" \
" Storm Shadow \n" \
print ("IAT = 0000000140001000")
print ("WinLicense IAT is FOUND\n" \
"IMPORT Breakpoint Adress into Scullahide")
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