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Created June 30, 2020 13:43
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Debugging Go

Debugging symbols

The Go compiler writes debugging symbols by default

  • DWARF -
  • Contains a “Line Number Table”, mapping compiled location to source location and specifies which instructions form the beginning and end of functions
  • Contains a “Call Frame Information Table”, which maps the location of frames on the call stack.
  • Tables are in a byte-code optimised form to drive a finite state machine.

We can prove it…

Observing debug information in the binary

go build .
file ./presentation
ls -lath ./presentation

Note that it says with debug_info.

It also says not stripped, and it’s 2.0Mb.

An aside: making smaller binaries

Just for fun, lets strip it:

strip ./presentation
file ./presentation
ls -lath ./presentation

We can achieve the same at compile time:

go build -ldflags="-s -w" .
file ./presentation
ls -lath ./presentation

Interactive debuggers [1]

An interactive debugger can gain control of process in order to debug it via operating system specific calls. On Linux this is the ptrace system call.

Typically the debugger forks off a new process. The program to be debugged is executed in the child process, having instructed the kernel to allow the parent process to trace it.

Now, any signal sent to the child process (apart from SIGKILL) will cause the process to pause and the parent will be notified. The interval between signals depends on what instructions we give ptrace.

Interactive debuggers [2]

In the child fork, call PTRACE_ME and execute the program to be debugged:

A trivial example in C

if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0, 0) < 0) {

execl(programname, programname, 0);

Interactive debuggers [3]

In the parent, step through the program, line-by-line:

Trivial steppng loop in C using ptrace


while (WIFSTOPPED(wait_status)) {  
  if (ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, child_pid, 0, 0) < 0) {

Interactive debuggers [4]

Alternative: Attach to running process with PTRACE_ATTACH

Trivial example in C, attaching to pid 123.

traced_process = 123;
ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, traced_process, NULL, NULL);

Note: you’ll need to have the right permission to attach to a process.

Interactive debuggers [5]

Once you have a debugging session you can issue further calls to ptrace to inspect the memory of the running process and step through it’s instructions.

To make this human readable, you’ll need the DWARF tables to map the state back to the source.

This can all be done in Go too! Go provides native support in the debugging package for interacting with ELF (debug/elf), DWARF (debug/dwarf) and the line-mapping (debug/gosym). Go also has ptrace bindings in the syscall package.

Interactive debuggers [6]

You don’t need to write a debugger.

Because DWARF is a standard, standard tools work

You can use gdb (Linux / Unix / Windows)

You can use lldb (Mac OS X)

If your IDE has a built in debugger, use that!

Otherwise use Derek Parker’s dlv (Delve)

Installing delve

Not just a go get (unless you’re on Linux)

Follow instructions, here:

Simplest debug session [1]

There are two easy ways to invoke a Delve session

Debug a binary

dlv exec ./dumb

Debug from within the source directory

dlv debug

Simplest debug session [2]

We need to tell Delve where to start from. This is called a “break point”.

We can specify it by name:

(dlv) break main.getNum

.. or by line number:

(dlv) break dumb.go:22

Note: you can just type b instead of break

Simplest debug session [3]

Now we need to tell the debugger to continue until it hits the next break-point (in this case, our main function).

(dlv) continue

Note: you can just type c instead of continue Note: if you use next now instead of continue, you’ll see the Go runtimes startup code.

Simplest debug session [4]

The delve session should now be showing us some code and a pointer to the current line:

> main.main() ./dumb.go:22 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x4a2032)
    21: func main() {
=>  22:         r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
    23:         fmt.Print("Numerator  ")
    24:         numerator := getNum(r)
    25:         fmt.Print("Denominator  ")
    26:         denominator := getNum(r)
    27:         result := divide(numerator, denominator)

Simplest debug session [5]

We can now step the code one instruction forwards:

(dlv) next

… or simply type “n”

Simplest debug session [6]

Now that the first command completed we can inspect the variable that was set:

(dlv) print r
*bufio.Reader {
    buf: []uint8 len: 4096, cap: 4096, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,...+4032 more],
    rd: io.Reader(*os.File) *{
    file: *(*os.file)(0xc420094000),},
    r: 0,
    w: 0,
    err: error nil,
    lastByte: -1,
    lastRuneSize: -1,}

Simplest debug session [7]

Now lets skip forward to the 2nd breakpoint we set:

  (dlv) c
  Numerator  > main.getNum() ./dumb.go:10 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x4a1e48)
  =>  10:     func getNum(r *bufio.Reader) int {
      11:             fmt.Print("please enter a number:")
      12:             line, _, _ := r.ReadLine()
      13:             num, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(line))
      14:             nreturn num
      15:     }

Simplest debug session [8]

And we can step through this line by line using next or n.

Eventually we’ll step out of the getNum function.

Simplest debug session [9]

Eventually we’ll reach this line, which looks interesting:

dlv) n
please enter a number:> main.main() ./dumb.go:27 (PC: 0x4a218c)
    22:         r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
    23:         fmt.Print("Numerator  ")
    24:         numerator := getNum(r)
    25:         fmt.Print("Denominator  ")
    26:         denominator := getNum(r)
=>  27:         result := divide(numerator, denominator)
    28:         fmt.Printf("%d/%d = %d\n", numerator, denominator, result)
    29: }

We can step into the divide function by typing step or s.

Debugging goroutines [1]

We look at the goroutines program:

cd goroutines
dlv debug
(dlv) break main.go:17
(dlv) continue

Debugging goroutines [2]

Now lets inspect the goroutines:

(dlv) goroutines
[5 goroutines]
* Goroutine 1 - User: ./main.go:17 main.main (0x49d00f) (thread 22099)
  Goroutine 2 - User: /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:292 runtime.gopark (0x42c109)
  Goroutine 3 - User: /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:292 runtime.gopark (0x42c109)
  Goroutine 4 - User: /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:292 runtime.gopark (0x42c109)
  Goroutine 5 - User: ./main.go:7 main.f (0x49cf67)

Debugging goroutines [3]

We can also show the threads (note that this isn’t necessarily a 1:1 mapping):

(dlv) threads
* Thread 22099 at 0x49d00f ./main.go:17 main.main
  Thread 22107 at 0x455863 /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:144 runtime.usleep
  Thread 22108 at 0x455d93 /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:531 runtime.futex
  Thread 22109 at 0x455d93 /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:531 runtime.futex
  Thread 22110 at 0x455d93 /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:531 runtime.futex

Debugging goroutines [4]

Now we can switch to the other goroutine and inspect it:

(dlv) goroutine 5
Switched from 1 to 5 (thread 22099)
(dlv) goroutine
Thread 23183 at ./main.go:5
Goroutine 5:
        Runtime: ./main.go:5 main.f (0x49cf1f)
        User: ./main.go:5 main.f (0x49cf1f)
        Go: ./main.go:15 main.main (0x49d00f)

Debugging goroutines [5]

If we start stepping through now, we’ll probably find ourselves deep in the go runtimes

In this case, stepout is your friend.

Note that this goroutine will have already run for as long as it can without blocking. If you really want to debug it from the start you’ll need to set a break point. Background go routines run when unattended.

I don’t (yet) know of a way to step through multiple goroutines in parallel.

Debugging tests [1]

Simple, just invoke the test command in your source directory:

dlv test .

.. set a breakpoint:

(dlv) break TestDivide

.. away you go.

Remote debugging

Start a headless debug session

dlv debug --headless
> API server listening at:

Start a client

dlv connect localhost:34607

delve - command summary [1]

Print function arguments.
Sets a breakpoint.
Print out info for active breakpoints.
Deletes breakpoint.
Deletes multiple breakpoints.
Set breakpoint condition.
Changes configuration parameters.
Run until breakpoint or program termination.
Exit the debugger.
Executes command on a different frame.
Print list of functions.
Shows or changes current goroutine
List program goroutines.

delve - command summary [2]

Prints the help message.
Show source code.
Print local variables.
Step over to next source line.
Executes a command when a breakpoint is hit.
Evaluate an expression.
Print contents of CPU registers.
Restart process.
Changes the value of a variable.
Executes a file containing a list of delve commands
Print list of source files.
Print stack trace.
Single step through program.
Single step a single cpu instruction.

delve - command summary [3]

Step out of the current function.
Switch to the specified thread.
Print out info for every traced thread.
Set tracepoint.
Print list of types
Print package variables.
Prints type of an expression.

Exotica! rr

rr is project from Mozilla

Record and Replay

It’s new, so it’s not packaged everywhere yet

Using rr with delve [1]

On Linux, you’ll need to allow perf to be used by non root users:

sudo sh -c 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'

Using rr with delve [2]

First record a programs runtime:

rr record ./dumb
rr: Saving execution to trace directory `/home/tealeg/.local/share/rr/dumb-0'.
Numerator  please enter a number:1
Denominator  please enter a number:0
panic: runtime error: integer divide by zero

goroutine 1 [running]:
        /home/tealeg/scratch/GoDebugPresentation/dumb/dumb.go:27 +0x33a

Uing rr with delve [3]

Now we can replay the program in delve:

dlv replay /home/tealeg/.local/share/rr/dumb-0

.. we can break and step just like normal.

Sadly we can’t inspect variables yet. Buggy!

Exotica! eBPF

The Enhanced Berkley Packet Filter

Available in Linux 4.x series kernels

Allows introspection of the process via the kernel.

You’ll need to install the BPF Compiler Collection and its tools

Sadly.. I haven’t managed to get it to work yet!

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