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Created May 4, 2021 00:49
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Animates the evolution of an initially tight group of points ... my intro to Julia
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
using Statistics
using LinearAlgebra
function lorenz!(du, u, p, t)
x, y, z = u
σ, ρ, β = p
du[1] = σ * (y - x)
du[2] = x *- z) - y
du[3] = x * y - β * z
function track()
# start near a known point
u0 = [-7, 7, 25] + randn(3) * 1e-4
tspan = (0.0, 25)
prob = ODEProblem(lorenz!, u0, tspan, parammap = (10, 28, 8 / 3))
function center(x)
x .- mean(x)
Keeps track of the scale that a variable has shown
function filter!(u, state, horizon=200)
old, w = state
z = reduce(max, abs.(u))
old = max(old, z)
z = (z + w*old) / (w + 1)
state[1] = z
state[2] = min(horizon, w + 1)
1.1 * z
Compute nice ticks for a graph that grows and shrinks.
function ticks(xmin, xmax=abs(xmin))
if xmin >= 0
xmin = -xmax
biggest = max(abs(xmin), abs(xmax))
scale = 10^ceil(log10(biggest)) .* [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
base = [tick for tick in scale if (xmin tick xmax) && (xmax / tick < 5)]
vcat(reverse(-base), 0, base)
# Solve 20 different evolutions
balls = [track() for i in 1:20]
# turn off local rendering of graphs
ENV["GKSwstype"] = "nul"
# initial tracker state has no information
tx1 = [0.0, 0.0]
# we compute a projection of the attractor that lays things out well
# but is reasonable right side up
V = svd(transpose(hcat(balls[1].(LinRange(0,10,25))...))).V
up = transpose(V[:, 1:2]) * [0, 1, 0]
project = transpose(V[:, 1:2] * [up .* [-1, 1] reverse(up)])
# animate the solutions we got above
anim = @gif for t in LinRange(0, 15,1500)
l = @layout [ a{0.40w} b{0.5w} ]
x = hcat([b(t) for b in balls]...)
# plots the 3d projection
p1 = plot(balls[1], vars = (1,2,3), legend = false, xlim = (-22,22), ylim = (-22,22), zlim = (0,45))
# with added balls for the solutions
scatter!(p1, x[1, :], x[2, :], x[3, :])
# reset to center of mass
diffs = transpose([center(x[1, :]) center(x[2, :]) center(x[3, :])])
projected = project * diffs
px, py = projected[1, :], projected[2, :]
xmax = filter!([px; py], tx1)
# plut the solution after projection
p2 = scatter(px, py, xlim = (-xmax, xmax), ylim = (-xmax, xmax), legend = false, ticks = ticks(-xmax,xmax))
# lay down the animation frame
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
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