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Created September 28, 2015 19:30
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# Python 2.7.6
# v4.1.5 (
import time
import stomp
class MyListener(stomp.ConnectionListener):
def on_message(self, headers, message):
print('MyListener:\nreceived a message "{}"\n'.format(message))
global read_messages
read_messages.append({'id': headers['message-id'], 'subscription':headers['subscription']})
class MyStatsListener(stomp.StatsListener):
def on_disconnected(self):
super(MyStatsListener, self).on_disconnected()
read_messages = []
hosts = [('localhost', 21613)]
conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=hosts)
conn.set_listener('my_listener', MyListener())
conn.set_listener('stats_listener', MyStatsListener())
# wait=True means that it waits until it's established a connection with the server before returning.
# id should uniquely identify the subscription
# ack = auto, client, or client-individual
# See
conn.subscribe(destination='test.req', id=1, ack='client-individual')
conn.send(body="A Test message", destination='test.req')
for message in read_messages:
conn.ack(message['id'], message['subscription'])
# Script output ...
# MyListener:
# received a message "A Test message"
# MyStatsListener:
# Connections: 1
# Messages sent: 5
# Messages received: 1
# Errors: 0
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