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Tim Malone tdmalone

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iann0036 / gist:b473bbb3097c5f4c656ed3d07b4d2222
Last active September 6, 2024 12:05
List of expensive / long-term effect AWS IAM actions
matthiasr /
Created December 14, 2020 09:18
Delete everything in an S3 bucket (in a hurry)
# I needed to delete ~300k objects from an S3 bucket in a hurry. The better and cheaper solution is to use a lifecycle rule, but those can take a day or two to take effect.
mkdir -p deletes
# 1. List all the objects in the bucket, transform them 1000 at a time into request objects for DeleteObjects, write each to a separate file
aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket "${bucket}" \
| jq -c '.Contents | _nwise(1000) | map({ Key: .Key }) | { Objects: ., Quiet: true }' \
| awk '{ f = "deletes/" NR ".json"; print $0 > f; close(f) }'
pentikos / main.go
Last active November 1, 2019 00:56
package main
import (
nemani /
Last active May 21, 2024 16:29
Download All Lambda Functions
# Parallelly download all aws-lambda functions
# Assumes you have ran `aws configure` and have output-mode as "text"
# Works with "aws-cli/1.16.72 Python/3.6.7 Linux/4.15.0-42-generic botocore/1.12.62"
download_code () {
local OUTPUT=$1
aws lambda get-function --function-name $OUTPUT --query 'Code.Location' | xargs wget -O ./lambda_functions/$
mkdir -p lambda_functions
Deconstrained /
Last active January 20, 2022 00:20
Updates an EC2 security group with rules to permit connections from PagerDuty IP addresses
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import logging
import os
import requests
import subprocess
import sys
from boto.ec2 import get_region
kubectl exec --namespace=manadr-dev -it $(kubectl get pod -l "service=mysql" --namespace=manadr-dev -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- bash
matthewpalmer / pod.yaml
Last active April 24, 2024 00:00
Example Kubernetes pod for the multi-container sidecar design pattern
# Example YAML configuration for the sidecar pattern.
# It defines a main application container which writes
# the current date to a log file every five seconds.
# The sidecar container is nginx serving that log file.
# (In practice, your sidecar is likely to be a log collection
# container that uploads to external storage.)
# To run:
fjudith /
Last active May 13, 2024 01:10
Enable Session Affinity (a.k.a Sticky Session) to Kubernetes service
timvisee /
Last active September 18, 2024 18:48
Falsehoods programmers believe about time, in a single list

Falsehoods programmers believe about time

This is a compiled list of falsehoods programmers tend to believe about working with time.

Don't re-invent a date time library yourself. If you think you understand everything about time, you're probably doing it wrong.


  • There are always 24 hours in a day.
  • February is always 28 days long.
  • Any 24-hour period will always begin and end in the same day (or week, or month).
eduardcloud /
Created September 19, 2017 10:14
Backup EFS file-system to S3 with lambda function
import boto3
import time
region = 'eu-west-1'
user_data_script = """#!/bin/bash
cd /
mkdir moodledata
mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 moodledata
tar czf mooodledata-backup-$(date +%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M).tar.gz /moodledata
aws s3 mv mooodledata-backup-*.tar.gz s3://xxxxxxxxx/