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Tom de Grunt tdegrunt

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searls / .solargraph.yml
Last active September 5, 2024 17:57 — forked from DRBragg/.solargraph.yml
My config with steps to use solargraph for Rails projects in VS Code (WIP)
- ".solargraph_definitions.rb"
- "app/**/*.rb"
- "config/**/*.rb"
- "lib/**/*.rb"
- test/**/*
- vendor/**/*
- ".bundle/**/*"
mmaridev /
Last active February 26, 2023 10:44
Backup & restore for VM migration on the fly, without cluster
# run command on new node
ssh root@oldnode vzdump VMID --mode snapshot --compress 0 --remove 0 --node NODE --stdout | (
sleep 5;
/usr/sbin/qmrestore - NEWVMID --storage local-zfs
# also works (vice-versa) for containers
vzdump PCTID --mode snapshot --compress 0 --remove 0 --node NODE --stdout | (
tdegrunt / keyboardLayout.json
Last active September 18, 2024 07:25
Visual Studio Code (vscode/code) Colemak keyboard layout
"layout": {
"id": "",
"localizedName": "Colemak",
"lang": "en"
"rawMapping": {
"KeyA": {
"value": "a",
"valueIsDeadKey": false,
valnub / index.html
Created May 21, 2018 22:09
iPhone X notch optimization HTML, CSS
<title>Notch test</title>
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, viewport-fit=cover">
* {margin: 0;padding: 0;}
johnmeehan /
Last active March 1, 2020 22:10
Browserstack + Rails5 + RSpec + Capybara


My setup for configuring a Rails app with RSpec Feature tests that uses Capabara to test on a browserstack remote browser.

The browserstack docs only show either an RSpec or a Capabara setup.

What I wanted:

  1. In development run my tests quickly with poltergiest.
  2. Run nightly builds on CI to test against different web browsers using browserstack.
  3. Have the option to visually run my tests with selenium with Chrome, Firefox etc.
niksmac /
Created March 7, 2017 05:58
ZMV-Examples (require autoload zmv)

rename a section of a filename, i. e. example.1.{txt,conf,db} or 12345.1.{wav,ogg,mp3} and

change the 1 to a 2 in the filename while preserving the rest of it.

$ zmv -n '(.)(<->)(.[^.]#)' '$1$(($2+1))$3' # would rename x.0001.y to x.2.y. $ zmv -n '(.0#)(<->)(.[^.]#)' '$1$(($2+1))$3'

Rename files to lower case

$ zmv '*' '${(L)f}'

serially all files ( >, >, ..)

$ autoload zmv

apolloclark / postgres
Last active June 14, 2024 08:25
postgres cheatsheet

Postgres Cheatsheet

This is a collection of the most common commands I run while administering Postgres databases. The variables shown between the open and closed tags, "<" and ">", should be replaced with a name you choose. Postgres has multiple shortcut functions, starting with a forward slash, "". Any SQL command that is not a shortcut, must end with a semicolon, ";". You can use the keyboard UP and DOWN keys to scroll the history of previous commands you've run.


installation, Ubuntu

samselikoff /
Last active August 15, 2024 15:17
Future-proofing your Ember 1.x code

This post is also on my blog, since Gist doesn't support @ notifications.

Components are taking center stage in Ember 2.0. Here are some things you can do today to make the transition as smooth as possible:

  • Use Ember CLI
  • In general, replace views + controllers with components
  • Only use controllers at the top-level for receiving data from the route, and use Ember.Controller instead of Ember.ArrayController or Ember.ObjectController
  • Fetch data in your route, and set it as normal properties on your top-level controller. Export an Ember.Controller, otherwise a proxy will be generated. You can use Ember.RSVP.hash to simulate setting normal props on your controller.
colmarius /
Last active August 2, 2024 21:31
Project start/stop with tmux + tmuxinator

1. Install tmux + tmuxinator

gem install tmuxinator

2. Add ~/.tmuxinator project specific configurations

# File: ~/.tmuxinator/project-name.yml

name: project-name
blackfalcon /
Last active August 15, 2024 15:16
Git basics - a general workflow

Git-workflow vs feature branching

When working with Git, there are two prevailing workflows are Git workflow and feature branches. IMHO, being more of a subscriber to continuous integration, I feel that the feature branch workflow is better suited, and the focus of this article.

If you are new to Git and Git-workflows, I suggest reading the Git Workflow article in addition to this as there is more detail there than presented here.

I admit, using Bash in the command line with the standard configuration leaves a bit to be desired when it comes to awareness of state. A tool that I suggest using follows these instructions on setting up GIT Bash autocompletion. This tool will assist you to better visualize the state of a branc