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Created December 24, 2013 23:25
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import com.aphyr.riemann.client.EventDSL;
import com.aphyr.riemann.client.RiemannClient;
import com.yammer.metrics.Metrics;
import com.yammer.metrics.core.*;
import com.yammer.metrics.stats.Snapshot;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import com.yammer.metrics.reporting.AbstractPollingReporter;
public class RiemannReporter extends AbstractPollingReporter implements MetricProcessor<Long> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RiemannReporter.class);
public final RiemannClient riemann;
public final Config c;
public static class Config {
public final MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry;
public final MetricPredicate predicate;
public final boolean printVMMetrics;
public final String host;
public final int port;
public final long period;
public final TimeUnit unit;
public final String prefix;
public final String separator;
public final VirtualMachineMetrics vm = VirtualMachineMetrics.getInstance();
public final Clock clock;
public final String name;
public final String localHost;
public final List<String> tags;
private Config(MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry, MetricPredicate predicate, boolean printVMMetrics,
String host, int port, long period, TimeUnit unit, String prefix, String separator,
Clock clock, String name, String localHost, List<String> tags) {
this.metricsRegistry = metricsRegistry;
this.predicate = predicate;
this.printVMMetrics = printVMMetrics; = host;
this.port = port;
this.period = period;
this.unit = unit;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.separator = separator;
this.clock = clock; = name;
this.localHost = localHost;
this.tags = tags;
public static ConfigBuilder newBuilder() {
return new ConfigBuilder();
public String toString() {
return "Config{" +
"print_metrics:" + printVMMetrics + ", host:" + host + ", port:" + port + ", period:" + period +
", unit:" + unit + ", prefix:" + prefix + ", separator:" + separator + ", clock:" + clock +
", name:" + name + ", localhost:" + localHost + ", metrics_registry:" + metricsRegistry +
", predicate:" + predicate + ", tags:" + Arrays.toString(tags.toArray()) + "}";
public static final class ConfigBuilder {
// Default values for Config
private MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry = Metrics.defaultRegistry();
private MetricPredicate predicate = MetricPredicate.ALL;
private boolean printVMMetrics = true;
private String host = "localhost";
private int port = 5555;
private long period = 60;
private TimeUnit unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
private String prefix = null;
private String separator = " ";
private final VirtualMachineMetrics vm = VirtualMachineMetrics.getInstance();
private Clock clock = Clock.defaultClock();
private String name = "riemann-reporter";
private String localHost = null;
private List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();
private ConfigBuilder() { }
public Config build(){
return new Config(metricsRegistry, predicate, printVMMetrics, host, port,
period, unit, prefix, separator, clock, name, localHost, tags);
public ConfigBuilder metricsRegistry(MetricsRegistry r) { metricsRegistry = r; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder predicate(MetricPredicate p) { predicate = p; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder printVMMetrics(Boolean p) { printVMMetrics = p; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder host(String h) { host = h; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder port(int p) { port = p; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder period(long p) { period = p; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder unit(TimeUnit t) { unit = t; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder prefix(String p) { prefix = p; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder separator(String s) { separator = s; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder clock(Clock c) { clock = c; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder name(String n) { name = n; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder localHost(String l) { localHost = l; return this; }
public ConfigBuilder tags(Collection<String> ts) { tags.clear(); tags.addAll(ts); return this; }
public static void enable(final Config config) {
try {
if (config == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Config cannot be null");
final RiemannReporter reporter = new RiemannReporter(config);
reporter.start(config.period, config.unit);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error creating/starting Riemann reporter: ", e);
public RiemannReporter(final Config c) throws IOException {
this(c, RiemannClient.tcp(new InetSocketAddress(, c.port)));
public RiemannReporter(final Config c, final RiemannClient riemann) {
this.riemann = riemann;
this.c = c;
public void run() {
try {
final long epoch = c.clock.time() / 1000;
if (c.printVMMetrics) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error writing to Riemann", e);
protected void sendRegularMetrics(final Long epoch) {
for (Entry<String,SortedMap<MetricName,Metric>> entry : getMetricsRegistry().groupedMetrics(c.predicate).entrySet()) {
for (Entry<MetricName, Metric> subEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
final Metric metric = subEntry.getValue();
if (metric != null) {
try {
metric.processWith(this, subEntry.getKey(), epoch);
} catch (Exception ignored) {
LOG.error("Error sending regular metric:", ignored);
private EventDSL newEvent() {
EventDSL event = riemann.event();
if (c.localHost != null) {;
if (!c.tags.isEmpty()) {
return event;
// The service name for a given metric.
public String service(MetricName name, String... rest) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (null != c.prefix) {
if (name.hasScope()) {
for (String part : rest) {
return sb.toString();
public String service(String... parts) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (null != c.prefix) {
for (String p : parts) {
return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - c.separator.length());
public void processGauge(MetricName name, Gauge<?> gauge, Long epoch) {
Object v = gauge.value();
EventDSL e = newEvent().service(service(name)).time(epoch).tag("gauge");
if (v instanceof Integer) {
e.metric((Integer) v).send();
} else if (v instanceof Long) {
e.metric((Long) v).send();
} else if (v instanceof Double) {
e.metric((Double) v).send();
} else if (v instanceof Float) {
e.metric((Float) v).send();
} else if (v instanceof Number) {
e.metric(((Number) v).floatValue()).send();
public void processCounter(MetricName name, Counter counter, Long epoch) {
public void processMeter(MetricName name, Metered meter, Long epoch) {
public void processHistogram(MetricName name, Histogram histogram, Long epoch) throws IOException {
final String service = service(name);
sendSummary(name, histogram, epoch);
sendSample(name, histogram, epoch);
public void processTimer(MetricName name, Timer timer, Long epoch) {
processMeter(name, timer, epoch);
sendSummary(name, timer, epoch);
sendSample(name, timer, epoch);
protected void sendVMMetrics(long epoch) {
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "memory", "heap-usage")).metric(c.vm.heapUsage()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "memory", "non-heap-usage")).metric(c.vm.nonHeapUsage()).send();
for (Entry<String, Double> pool : c.vm.memoryPoolUsage().entrySet()) {
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "memory", "pool-usage", pool.getKey())).metric(pool.getValue()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "thread", "daemon-count")).metric(c.vm.daemonThreadCount()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "thread", "count")).metric(c.vm.threadCount()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "uptime")).metric(c.vm.uptime()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "fd-usage")).metric(c.vm.fileDescriptorUsage()).send();
for(Entry<Thread.State, Double> entry : c.vm.threadStatePercentages().entrySet()) {
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "thread", "state", entry.getKey().toString().toLowerCase())).metric(entry.getValue()).send();
for(Entry<String, VirtualMachineMetrics.GarbageCollectorStats> entry : c.vm.garbageCollectors().entrySet()) {
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "gc", entry.getKey(), "time")).metric(entry.getValue().getTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).service(service("jvm", "gc", entry.getKey(), "runs")).metric(entry.getValue().getRuns()).send();
public void sendSummary(MetricName name, Summarizable metric, Long epoch) {
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_summary").service(service(name, "min")).metric(metric.min()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_summary").service(service(name, "max")).metric(metric.max()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_summary").service(service(name, "mean")).metric(metric.mean()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_summary").service(service(name, "stddev")).metric(metric.stdDev()).send();
public void sendSample(MetricName name, Sampling metric, Long epoch) {
final Snapshot s = metric.getSnapshot();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_sample").service(service(name, ".5")).metric(s.getMedian()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_sample").service(service(name, ".75")).metric(s.get75thPercentile()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_sample").service(service(name, ".95")).metric(s.get95thPercentile()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_sample").service(service(name, ".98")).metric(s.get98thPercentile()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_sample").service(service(name, ".99")).metric(s.get99thPercentile()).send();
newEvent().time(epoch).tag("histogram_sample").service(service(name, ".999")).metric(s.get999thPercentile()).send();
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