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Last active May 17, 2018 12:59
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question_title tool_classification
Measuring accuracy of latitude and longitude? Wikipedia / GeoJSON Data Model
Does Y mean latitude and X mean longitude in every GIS software? Wikipedia
What is the difference between Vector and Raster data models? Wikipedia
Calculating longitude length in miles? geosphere
Display a local file in Google Maps Mapview
Adding Basemaps from Google or Bing in QGIS? Mapview
What ratio scales do Google Maps zoom levels correspond to? google maps
Export list of values into csv or txt file export from gis files
Merging multiple vector layers to one layer using QGIS? Merge/sf
Avoiding Google Maps geocode limit? mapsapi package
What is the difference between DEM DSM and DTM?
How to change default zoom in the Google embedded map? google maps cartography
Algorithm for offsetting a latitude/longitude by some amount of meters sf-st_jitter
What are Raster and Vector data in GIS and when to use? wikipedia
Export Google Maps Route to KML/GPX mapsapi
Installing File Geodatabase (*.gdb) support in QGIS? filegdb support in gdal
EPSG 3857 or 4326 for GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap and Leaflet
Calculating polygon areas in QGIS? calculate areas (sf?)
Getting coordinates from click or drag event in Google Maps API? mapview?
Converting between KML and shapefile (SHP) format? rgdal/sf for conversion?
Listing available online WMS services (Weather Land Data
Why does GPS positioning require four satellites? wikipedia
How to export attribute tables to Excel? excel export options (multiple)
What's the difference between a projection and a datum? wikipedia
Importing DWG into QGIS project? NA
How to get coordinates from geometry in PostGIS? NA
What is the maximum Theoretical accuracy of GPS? NA
Seeking Mobile GIS applications for Android Tablets? NA
How to open a shapefile in R? sf/st_read
Converting MapInfo TAB and/or MIF to SHP using free tools or ArcGIS for Desktop core product? sf/gdal
Difference between WGS84 and EPSG:4326? NA
Seeking General GIS Questions for Job interviews? NA
Creating point features with exact coordinates in QGIS? NA
Seeking examples of beautiful maps? ggmap to vector?
Installing GDAL with Python on windows? NA
Inserting point into PostGIS? adding a point to an sf data frame
Turning on map view in Google Earth? google earth
Calculating Latitude/Longitude X miles from point? geosphere
Obtaining up-to-date list of US ZIP Codes with Latitude and Longitude Geocodes? NA
Basic If/Then in Python Parser of ArcGIS Field Calculator? r standard
Extract Raster Value into Polygon Attribute raster package
Seeking administrative boundaries for various countries? data repo (package?)
Adding values in two columns to new column on sync table in CARTO? r standard
How to show a popup on mouse-over not on click?
Getting list of coordinates for points in layer using QGIS? get lat/lon as number
Converting kmz file to kml? gdal/sf
Loading external GeoJSON file into Leaflet map? sf/mapview
Full list of ISO ALPHA-2 and ISO ALPHA-3 country codes osmdata-data repo (package?)
Comparing various JavaScript mapping libraries? NA
Find points within a distance using MySQL r sf st_within
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