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Last active August 15, 2024 21:13
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OpenWeatherMap / Weather Icons integration
  1. Include Weather Icons in your app:

  2. Include the below JSON in your application, for example purposes, lets assume it's a global named weatherIcons.

  3. Make a request to OpenWeatherMap:

req = $.getJSON(',uk&callback=?');
  1. Inspect the code and pair with the data above.

Note: 7xx and 9xx do not get prefixed w/ day/night

req.then(function(resp) {
  var prefix = 'wi wi-';
  var code =[0].id;
  var icon = weatherIcons[code].icon;

  // If we are not in the ranges mentioned above, add a day/night prefix.
  if (!(code > 699 && code < 800) && !(code > 899 && code < 1000)) {
    icon = 'day-' + icon;

  // Finally tack on the prefix.
  icon = prefix + icon;
"200": {
"label": "thunderstorm with light rain",
"icon": "storm-showers"
"201": {
"label": "thunderstorm with rain",
"icon": "storm-showers"
"202": {
"label": "thunderstorm with heavy rain",
"icon": "storm-showers"
"210": {
"label": "light thunderstorm",
"icon": "storm-showers"
"211": {
"label": "thunderstorm",
"icon": "thunderstorm"
"212": {
"label": "heavy thunderstorm",
"icon": "thunderstorm"
"221": {
"label": "ragged thunderstorm",
"icon": "thunderstorm"
"230": {
"label": "thunderstorm with light drizzle",
"icon": "storm-showers"
"231": {
"label": "thunderstorm with drizzle",
"icon": "storm-showers"
"232": {
"label": "thunderstorm with heavy drizzle",
"icon": "storm-showers"
"300": {
"label": "light intensity drizzle",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"301": {
"label": "drizzle",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"302": {
"label": "heavy intensity drizzle",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"310": {
"label": "light intensity drizzle rain",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"311": {
"label": "drizzle rain",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"312": {
"label": "heavy intensity drizzle rain",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"313": {
"label": "shower rain and drizzle",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"314": {
"label": "heavy shower rain and drizzle",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"321": {
"label": "shower drizzle",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"500": {
"label": "light rain",
"icon": "rain"
"501": {
"label": "moderate rain",
"icon": "rain"
"502": {
"label": "heavy intensity rain",
"icon": "rain"
"503": {
"label": "very heavy rain",
"icon": "rain"
"504": {
"label": "extreme rain",
"icon": "rain"
"511": {
"label": "freezing rain",
"icon": "rain-mix"
"520": {
"label": "light intensity shower rain",
"icon": "showers"
"521": {
"label": "shower rain",
"icon": "showers"
"522": {
"label": "heavy intensity shower rain",
"icon": "showers"
"531": {
"label": "ragged shower rain",
"icon": "showers"
"600": {
"label": "light snow",
"icon": "snow"
"601": {
"label": "snow",
"icon": "snow"
"602": {
"label": "heavy snow",
"icon": "snow"
"611": {
"label": "sleet",
"icon": "sleet"
"612": {
"label": "shower sleet",
"icon": "sleet"
"615": {
"label": "light rain and snow",
"icon": "rain-mix"
"616": {
"label": "rain and snow",
"icon": "rain-mix"
"620": {
"label": "light shower snow",
"icon": "rain-mix"
"621": {
"label": "shower snow",
"icon": "rain-mix"
"622": {
"label": "heavy shower snow",
"icon": "rain-mix"
"701": {
"label": "mist",
"icon": "sprinkle"
"711": {
"label": "smoke",
"icon": "smoke"
"721": {
"label": "haze",
"icon": "day-haze"
"731": {
"label": "sand, dust whirls",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"741": {
"label": "fog",
"icon": "fog"
"751": {
"label": "sand",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"761": {
"label": "dust",
"icon": "dust"
"762": {
"label": "volcanic ash",
"icon": "smog"
"771": {
"label": "squalls",
"icon": "day-windy"
"781": {
"label": "tornado",
"icon": "tornado"
"800": {
"label": "clear sky",
"icon": "sunny"
"801": {
"label": "few clouds",
"icon": "cloudy"
"802": {
"label": "scattered clouds",
"icon": "cloudy"
"803": {
"label": "broken clouds",
"icon": "cloudy"
"804": {
"label": "overcast clouds",
"icon": "cloudy"
"900": {
"label": "tornado",
"icon": "tornado"
"901": {
"label": "tropical storm",
"icon": "hurricane"
"902": {
"label": "hurricane",
"icon": "hurricane"
"903": {
"label": "cold",
"icon": "snowflake-cold"
"904": {
"label": "hot",
"icon": "hot"
"905": {
"label": "windy",
"icon": "windy"
"906": {
"label": "hail",
"icon": "hail"
"951": {
"label": "calm",
"icon": "sunny"
"952": {
"label": "light breeze",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"953": {
"label": "gentle breeze",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"954": {
"label": "moderate breeze",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"955": {
"label": "fresh breeze",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"956": {
"label": "strong breeze",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"957": {
"label": "high wind, near gale",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"958": {
"label": "gale",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"959": {
"label": "severe gale",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
"960": {
"label": "storm",
"icon": "thunderstorm"
"961": {
"label": "violent storm",
"icon": "thunderstorm"
"962": {
"label": "hurricane",
"icon": "cloudy-gusts"
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zivce commented Mar 5, 2016

var dorn= "";

rq =$.getJSON(queryTxt);

   var prefix = "wi wi-";

   var today = new Date();
var hour = today.getHours();

if (hour > 6 && hour < 20) {
    //Day time
   dorn = "day-";

} else {
    //Night time
   dorn ="night-";
   var code =[0].id;
   iconD = prefix + "owm-" +dorn+ code;

I did it like this 👍 you gave me an awesome idea to start from thank you!

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why i get this error "weatherIcons[code] is undefined"

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Because you didn't declare ur json variable as weatherIcons

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mav1283 commented Jun 17, 2016

Hi how do i get this working on codepen?
and i also get this error: ReferenceError: weatherIcons is not defined

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devloe commented Jul 11, 2016

If I include the dorn prefix, I get thinks like "night-sunny", which is incorrect.
Any toughts?

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This below works like a champ for me. In which "weatherDataIn" is the api callback.

var icon = ("<img src='" +[0].icon + ".png'>");


$('#display').html( icon );

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Sliqric7053 commented Aug 24, 2016

Hi Andythedandyone

Great approach to the problem.

What html tag is #display?


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I'm getting 'wi wi-night-sunny' with a code of 800 using your method and that doesn't exist in the JSON. Any ideas?

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Thx @Andythedandyone
I've tried to figure out the usage of weather.icon before finding your comment.

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I am concerned about performance, how can I remove icons Open Weather Map is not using

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@Andytheandyone, thanks! I've been bashing my head trying to figure out how to get the images; makes so much more sense now.

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luptilu commented Dec 7, 2017

Hi there!
I have included the pre-set weather icons from OpenWeatherMaps in my code. However, I can't seem to replace them with these pretty ones. Could you give me a more detailed description on how to proceed?
Here is my code so far:
screen shot 2017-12-07 at 13 27 16

Thank you so much.



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olluz commented Jan 3, 2018

you could use OpenWeather API's sunrise and sunset values to differentiate between night and day icons instead of hardcoding it to 6-20

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mohamedabusrea commented Jan 12, 2018

I think you can depend on the sunrise&sunset values to determine the day/night better than the weather-id

const date = new Date();
const sunrise = new Date( * 1000); //Convert a Unix timestamp to time
const sunset = new Date( * 1000);

/* Get suitable icon for weather */
if (date.getHours() >= sunrise.getHours() && date.getHours() < sunset.getHours()) {
    var weatherIconID = `wi wi-owm-day-${[0].id}`;
else if (date.getHours() >= sunset.getHours()) {
    var weatherIconID = `wi wi-owm-night-${[0].id}`;

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Code from @mohamedabusrea is working great! But the else if do needs improvement since it cannot detect like 2am in the morning (ie. before sunrise) as night.

It should change into this:

else if (date.getHours() >= sunset.getHours()  || date.getHours() < sunrise.getHours()) {
    var weatherIconID = `wi wi-owm-night-${[0].id}`;

or just change to a simple else

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Why are the codes for these in a different format than the ones in the API list ?

For example : "wi wi-owm-500" & "wi wi-sprinkle"

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raulcarlomagno commented Apr 24, 2018

using openweathermap weathericons' mapping integration

        var nowTimestamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
        var weatherClass = 'wi wi-owm-';
        weatherClass += (nowTimestamp >= data.sunrise && nowTimestamp <= data.sunset ? 'day' : 'night');
        weatherClass += ('-' + data.code);

        $(".weather-widget .icon-now").addClass(weatherClass);

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Unfortunately only few icons are correctly mapped.

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I think you can depend on the sunrise&sunset values to determine the day/night better than the weather-id

const date = new Date();
const sunrise = new Date( * 1000); //Convert a Unix timestamp to time
const sunset = new Date( * 1000);

/* Get suitable icon for weather */
if (date.getHours() >= sunrise.getHours() && date.getHours() < sunset.getHours()) {
    var weatherIconID = `wi wi-owm-day-${[0].id}`;
else if (date.getHours() >= sunset.getHours()) {
    var weatherIconID = `wi wi-owm-night-${[0].id}`;

Won't this work incorrectly for different timezones? Because you are testing against the sunrise and sunset time of a given timezone with a date created in another timezone.

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josegomes123 commented Dec 6, 2020

Ok, I finally managed to get everything to work perfectly using weather font and OpenWeatherMap API, I tried using the icons.json file provided here but it didn't work properly for me, I think most are outdated. Anyway I adapted some of the code of @mohamedabusrea, also created a new date with local time if you need to use it. It might be a little contrived but it works.

// Get weatherData from API
let weatherData = await response.json();
/* Get suitable icon for weather */
// Create new date representing the local Time
const now = new Date();
// Converto to UTC Date
const date = new Date(now.getTime() + now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
// timezone returns shift in seconds from UTC, convert to miliseconds and add to the date epoch time to get localTime
const millisecondsOffsetUTC = date.getTime() + weatherData.timezone * 1000;
const localTime = new Date(millisecondsOffsetUTC);
// Get local sun phases and convert a unix timestamp to time
const sunrise = new Date(weatherData.sys.sunrise * 1000);
const sunset = new Date(weatherData.sys.sunset * 1000);
// Get correct weather icon for day/night periods
if (date > sunrise && date < sunset) {
    let weatherIconID = `wi wi-owm-day-${[0].id}`;
    weatherIcon.className = weatherIconID;
} else {
    let weatherIconID = `wi wi-owm-night-${[0].id}`;
    weatherIcon.className = weatherIconID;

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how can I enlarge the size of the weather icons?

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This below works like a champ for me. In which "weatherDataIn" is the api callback.

var icon = ("<img src='" +[0].icon + ".png'>");


$('#display').html( icon );

This just gave me the right direction dude! Thanks.
I am working with classes so here is my snippet:
paint(weather) {

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