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Last active May 3, 2019 16:19
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Deployer extended for typo3 - file `deploy.php` with infomaniak shared hosting. @see for full config & install
namespace Deployer;
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-loader/autoload.php');
new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedTypo3\Loader();
set('repository', 'git@git.yourdomain.git:yourgroup/yourepo.git');
set('http_user', 'uidXXXXX'); // @see infomaniak http-user (owner)
// @NOTE: put .bashrc with "source ~/.profile" into, at root infomaniak to be able to read alias and $PATH info (ex: php-cli path)
set('ssh_type', 'native');
set('use_relative_symlinks', false);
set('ssh_multiplexing', false);
set('bin/php', '/opt/php7.1/bin/php');
set('bin/composer', 'php -d allow_url_fopen=on /home/clients/REALPATHHERE/composer.phar'); // @see infomaniak for realpath
set('composer_options', '{{composer_action}}');
set('web_path', 'web');
set('shared_files', [
'filter' => [
'+ */',
'+ {{web_path}}/fileadmin/',
'+ {{web_path}}/fileadmin/**',
'+ {{web_path}}/uploads/',
'+ {{web_path}}/uploads/**',
'- *'
// Look on for docs
'index.php' => [
'entrypoint_filename' => '{{web_path}}/index.php',
server('live', '')
->set('branch', 'master')
->set('deploy_path', '/home/clients/YOURFULLPATH/web/prod')
->set('public_urls', ['']);
server('stage', '')
->set('branch', 'staging')
->set('deploy_path', '/home/clients/YOURFULLPATH/web/stage')
->set('public_urls', ['']);
server('local', '')
->set('deploy_path', getcwd())
->set('vhost_nocurrent', true)
->set('public_urls', ['https://mysite.test']);
// [Optional] if deploy fails automatically unlock.
after('deploy:failed', 'deploy:unlock');
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