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Taylor Wood taylorwood

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taylorwood /
Created June 21, 2019 19:35
Google Redirect (Beta)

Google Redirect (Beta)

Google has a endpoint that redirects to q, and it turns out you can nest these recursively and it'll 302 redirect you to each one in succession.

So here's the the most inefficient link to Google that will fit in a Tweet:

Here's some Clojure I used to make the link:

taylorwood /
Created April 25, 2019 14:38
Scala Slick compile error: query with group by

What happened?

This compilation error was generated by a Scala Slick query that's essentially a SQL SELECT with two JOINs and a GROUP BY:

slick.SlickTreeException: Cannot convert node to SQL Comprehension
GroupBy t3 : Vector[(t3<(Option[String'], Option[String'])>, Vector[t4<{s5: Option[scala.math.BigDecimal'], s6: SOption[OptionDisc/Int], s7: Option[String'], s8: SOption[OptionDisc/Int], s9: Option[String']}>])]
  from s2: Bind : Vector[t4<{s5: Option[scala.math.BigDecimal'], s6: SOption[OptionDisc/Int], s7: Option[String'], s8: SOption[OptionDisc/Int], s9: Option[String']}>]
    from s10: Filter s11 : Vector[t12<{s13: String', s14: String', s15: String', s16: String', s17: String', s18: Option[String'], s19: Int', s20: Option[String'], s21: String', s22: scala.math.BigDecimal', s23: String', s24: String', s25: String', s26: String', s27: String', s28: Boolean', s29: scala.math.BigDecimal', s30: String', s31: String', s32: Boolean', s33: Option[String'], s34: String', s35: Option[String'], s36:
taylorwood / core.clj
Last active November 3, 2021 13:47
GraalVM polyglot interop between Clojure and JavaScript
(ns polydact.core
(:import (clojure.lang IFn)
(org.graalvm.polyglot Context Value)
(org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy ProxyArray ProxyExecutable ProxyObject)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def context
taylorwood / hickory-css-selectors.clj
Last active September 2, 2024 11:01
CSS selectors for Hickory
(ns hickory-css-selectors
"Convert CSS selectors into Hickory selectors."
(:require [clojure.string :as cs]
[ :as s]
[instaparse.core :as p]
[instaparse.transform :as pt]))
(def css-selector-parser
"An incomplete and not very good parser for CSS selectors."
taylorwood / transducers.clj
Created September 23, 2018 23:44
Clojure transducers
(defn zip
"Returns a transducer that zips cs with inputs."
[& cs]
(fn [rf]
(let [cs (volatile! cs)]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result item]
(if (every? seq @cs)
taylorwood /
Last active May 6, 2020 00:19
clj.native-image CLI JSON-to-EDN example

GraalVM native image + deps.edn example

A CLI tool that reads JSON from stdin then writes it to stdout in EDN format.


➜ clojure -A:native-image
taylorwood / instaparse.clj
Created May 14, 2018 20:06
Clojure Instaparse examples
;; "human" date/time format parsing
(def human-time-parser
"S = H (':' M)? ' '? P? (' ' Z)?
H = #'[1-9]' | #'1[0-2]'
M = #'0[0-9]' | #'[1-5][0-9]'
P = AM | PM
AM = 'A' 'M'?
PM = 'P' 'M'?
taylorwood / Player.clj
Created April 30, 2018 12:40
CodinGame Battle Royale Bot
(ns Player
(:require [clojure.pprint :refer [print-table pprint]]
[clojure.set :as set])
(defmacro debug [& body] `(binding [*out* *err*] (do ~@body)))
(def split-by (juxt filter remove))
(defn read-map [ks]
(let [vs (repeatedly (count ks) read)]
(zipmap ks vs)))
taylorwood / clj-jdbc-postgres.clj
Created February 6, 2018 22:39
Clojure JDBC Postgres streaming resultset
(defn query-lazy ;; adapted from
[[sql & params] & {:as opts}]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [tx (db/connection)]
(jdbc/query tx
(into [(jdbc/prepare-statement (:connection tx) sql {:fetch-size 100})] params)
taylorwood / stackoverflow-svg-icon-jekyll.html
Created January 5, 2018 17:46
Stack Overflow SVG icon for GitHub Pages Jekyll Footer
{% if site.stackoverflow_username %}
<a href="{{ site.stackoverflow_username }}">
<span class="icon icon--stackoverflow">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 120 120" style="enable-background:new 0 0 120 120;" xml:space="preserve">
<polygon fill="#828282" points="84.4,93.8 84.4,70.6 92.1,70.6 92.1,101.5 22.6,101.5 22.6,70.6 30.3,70.6 30.3,93.8 "/>
<path fill="#828282" d="M38.8,68.4l37.8,7.9l1.6-7.6l-37.8-7.9L38.8,68.4z M43.8,50.4l35,16.3l3.2-7l-35-16.4L43.8,50.4z M53.5,33.2 l29.7,24.7l4.9-5.9L58.4,27.3L53.5,33.2z M72.7,14.9l-6.2,4.6l23,31l6.2-4.6L72.7,14.9z M38,86h38.6v-7.7H38V86z"/>