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Created March 14, 2017 04:36
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how to scrape images from 4chan using wget

How To Scrape Images from 4chan Using Wget

This guide is to save other sorry plebs from needing to RTFM in figuring out how to use wget to scrape images from 4chan and other imageboards. There are lots of image downloaders in existence, but they are usually outdated and broken. You will save time following this guide to learn how to use a powerful and general purpose tool instead.

What Is Wget?

Wget is a command-line file downloader that can handle just about any file downloading task normal and power users will ever need to do. It has versions available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. If it is not already installed on your machine, install it now.

Basic syntax

wget [options] [urls]

Useful Options for Image Scraping

There are tons more, but these are the most useful ones for this guide.

  • -r downloads files recursively, downloading links that are contained in already downloaded documents. This is essential because a common case is one url that contains all image file links.
  • -l [n] controls the maximum recursion level. n will practically always be one for image scraping.
  • -H allows downloads from different hosts than the original url. This is useful because many sites show images hosted at different domains.
  • -D [domains] tells what additional hosts to download from. You will probably have to 'View Source' in your browser to know for sure what to put here. domains is a comma separated list of domain names.
  • -P [prefix directory] tells where to save the downloaded files. The default is the current directory.
  • -nd avoids creating additional hierarchy.
  • -A [extensions] tells what file extensions to save.

Putting It Together

To download images from 4chan:

wget -P pictures -nd -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm [thread-url]

from 8chan:

wget -P pictures -nd -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm [thread-url]

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ghost commented Sep 16, 2018

Thank you very much! This works like a charm. ;)

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CodeAsm commented Oct 20, 2018

Thanks :D

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I'm a noob, and as such i can't seem to get this to work with 7chan, even though i'm putting the where the images appear to be hosted AFAICT so what am i doing wrong? I used the exact same command and changed the url be the one...If someone can help me, that'd be great...

Copy link will give you low-res thumbnails.
For the full-res image, replace it with

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@ryankrage77 thanks was getting low quality wallpapers that fixed it !

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vitezfh commented Apr 15, 2020

ryankrage77's answer doesn't seem to work for me. But keeping the and adding -R '?????????????s.*' to match and refuse numbered thumbnail images ( e.g. "1586456902053s.jpg" ) works perfectly for me on at least the /wg/ board:

wget -P save_folder -nd -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm -R '?????????????s.*' 4chan_url

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@vitezfh, agreed, my earlier solution no longer seems to work whereas now does. You can use -R '*s.*' as well. Works for me on /w/ at least.

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kk-Chiron commented Jun 9, 2020

Is it possible to rename the save folder as the thread title/topic with wget? (on win10 so without grep or something)

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Is it possible to rename the save folder as the thread title/topic with wget? (on win10 so without grab or something)

You could write a script that takes the thread link as input, and get the title/topic from the page itself, then scrapes the images. I'm not sure how you'd get the topic exactly, it's the content meta tag, so you should be able to get it with grep and some regex.

wget alone can't do this. You could set the url/post number as the folder name (which is what I do), but wget can't pull info out of the stuff it downloads.

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Some were on, some where on
wget -P save_folder -nd -r -l 1 -H -D, -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm -R '?????????????s.*' 4chan_url
Is what worked for me

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eallder commented Mar 8, 2021

This is what is working for me to not download the duplicate thumbnail files (the ones that end in "s"):

wget -P pictures -nd -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm -R *?????????????s* [thread-url]

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Just an update, this is what seems to work for me now
wget -P pictures -nd -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm <url>

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eallder commented Jun 21, 2023

Can confirm that the address no longer works. Just tried with the following command and it works fine:

wget -P pictures -nd -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm -R *?????????????s* [thread-url]

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vitezfh commented Jun 26, 2023

The address is working fine, @eallder
It just depends on what board you're downloading from. The /x/ board, for example, serves images over that address still.
So the answer from DannyParker0001 is probably best:

Some were on, some where on wget -P save_folder -nd -r -l 1 -H -D, -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm -R '?????????????s.*' 4chan_url Is what worked for me

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vitezfh commented Jun 26, 2023

Here is a more maintainable script for it:




wget --directory-prefix="$directory" \
	--no-directories \
	--recursive \
	--level 1 \
	--span-hosts \
	--accept png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm \
	--reject '?????????????s*' \

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